NYCE 2011 is the fourth annual New York Computer Science and Economics Day.
The goal of the meeting is to bring together researchers in the larger New
York metropolitan area with interests in computer science, economics,
marketing and business, and a common focus in understanding and developing
the economics of Internet activity.  Examples of topics of interest include
theoretical, modeling, algorithmic and empirical work on advertising and
marketing based on search, user-generated content, or social networks, and
other means of monetizing the Internet.

The workshop will be held on Friday, September 16 at New York University,
and features invited talks by Vincent Conitzer, Jonathan Levin, Preston
McAfee, David Parkes, and Eva Tardos.

We solicit contributors for short talks (10 minutes) and posters. Financial
support is available for student presenters.

Additional registration and submission information is available at:

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