Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Application deadline: 29 July 2011

I'm looking for an energetic and creative Postdoctoral Research Fellow
to work on a Medical Research Council funded project: "A graphical
model approach to pedigree reconstruction using constrained
optimisation". This research is at the intersection of constrained
optimisation techniques (particularly integer linear programming) and
machine learning of Bayesian networks (BNs) within a Bayesian
framework. The goal of the project is to learn BN representations of
pedigrees ('family trees') from genetic data and prior information.
Pedigrees are useful for uncovering genetic factors in disease and
more generally for investigating gene-gene and gene-environment

The project is in collaboration with the Dept of Genetics at the
University of Leicester and the Dept of Social Medicine at the
University of Bristol. The project will run from 3 October 2011 for 3
years. Salary in the range GBP 35,788 - 44,016

For further details and details of how to apply please go to:

For informal enquiries, please email:

James Cussens            ---- NEW CONTACT DETAILS ----
Dept of Computer Science &
York Centre for Complex Systems Analysis   
Room 326, The Hub, Deramore Lane              Tel  +44 (0)1904 325371
University of York                            Fax  +44 (0)1904 500159
York YO10 5GE, UK              
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