----- First Call for Papers -----
ICML Workshop on Planning and Acting with Uncertain Models
Submission Deadline: April 29, 2011
Workshop Date: July 2, 2011
URL: http://web.mit.edu/~wingated/www/icml2011_workshop
Recent years have seen huge advances in capturing structured uncertainty,
and many action-selection approaches have been developed to leverage
knowledge about model-uncertainty: Bayesian approaches cast unknown model
parameters as additional hidden state; PAC approaches provide guarantees
on the agent's final performance; robust algorithms minimize overall
regret. However, simple approximations, such as ignoring much of the
uncertainty or making myopic decisions, often perform quite well. Does
their success imply that they are sufficiently sophisticated? In what
problem domains is explicitly planning to gather information to reduce
model uncertainty crucial to good performance? What insights do successful
action-selection strategies provide on how to best track model uncertainty?
The goal of this workshop is to identify state of the art methods for
planning under uncertainty and discuss why specific methods work well in
specific domains. For example, how do explicit rewards for reducing
uncertainty---such as goal-oriented problems---affect what planning
algorithms are most successful? When planners do not take explicit steps
to reduce model uncertainty, is that a result of the approximation or the
fact that, in many domains, most reasonable policies reduce model
uncertainty reasonably well? When is it useful to introduce internal
rewards for exploration or reducing model variance? How should agents
decide what aspects of the model are worth exploring?
We invite full and short papers on recent work exploring these questions.
Papsers should be in ICML format, submitted to fin...@mit.edu by April 29,
2011. Notifications for oral and poster presentations will be sent out by
May 20, 2011.
Program Format:
The format of the workshop will include a series of invited speakers for
an extended discussion about the various approaches to planning with model
uncertainty. Confirmed speakers are Satinder Singh (University of
Michigan), David Hsu (Stanford University), Joelle Pineau (McGill
University), and Lihong Li (Yahoo! Research). The workshop will also
include a poster session and oral presentations for contributed papers, as
well as periods to compare different approaches and discuss open problem
Finale Doshi-Velez and David Wingate
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