SARA 2011

Ninth Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation

July 17-18, 2011

Parador de Cardona, Spain

(near Barcelona, location of IJCAI 11, July 19-22)



The ninth Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation will be
held on July 17-18, 2011 at the Parador de Cardona in Catalonia, Spain, 60
miles Northwest of Barcelona. The symposium will be co-located with the
Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS), which will be held at the Parador
de Cardona immediately before SARA. SARA 2011 will be followed by the
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 11), which
will be held in Barcelona.

The Symposium will consist primarily of paper presentations, discussion
sessions, and invited presentations. This year, our keynote speaker will be
Stuart Russell from the University of California at Berkeley. All papers
presented at the Symposium will appear in a published proceedings.


The aim of the Symposium is to provide a forum for interaction among
researchers in all areas of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science
with an interest in Abstraction, Reformulation, or Approximation (ARA).
Submissions are requested on the following topics (but are not restricted to
these topics).

* Theory of Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation.

* Methods for selecting which of several applicable ARA techniques is best
for a given problem.

* Techniques for automatically constructing and selecting appropriate
abstractions, reformulations, and approximations.

* Empirical and theoretical studies of the costs and benefits of ARA.

* Applications of ARA to automated reasoning, automatic programming,
cognitive modeling, constraint programming, constraint satisfaction,
databases, design, diagnosis, general game playing, general problem solving,
machine learning, planning, robotics, scheduling, search, simulation,
theorem proving.

* Fielded applications demonstrating the benefits of ARA.


Researchers who wish to attend the symposium must submit in one of the
following forms:

Full paper: Full paper submissions must report on substantial, original and
previously unpublished research.

Extended abstract: Extended abstracts on research that will be submitted to,
has been submitted to, or has already been published in archival conferences
or journals. However, researchers are encouraged to submit full papers, if
possible. Please indicate in your submission if it is an extended abstract.

Research summary: Researchers should submit a short report describing
research questions that they are engaged in that is relevant to ARA.

Full papers should not exceed 8 pages in AAAI format; extended abstracts
should not exceed 4 pages; and research summaries should not exceed 2 pages.

Submission website:


April 15: Submission deadline

May 6: Author notification

June 3: Camera-ready submission

July 17-18: SARA 2011


Conference Chairs:

Michael Genesereth, Stanford University, USA

Peter Revesz, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, USA

Publicity Chair:

Miroslav Velev, Aries Design Automation

Program Committee:

Scot Anderson           Southern Adventist University, USA

Chris Beck              University of Toronto, Canada

Rada Chirkova           North Carolina State University, USA

Berthe Choueiry         University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA

Marie desJardins        University Maryland Baltimore County, USA

Rafael Martinez Gasca   University of Seville, Spain

Hector Geffner          Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain

Michael Genesereth      Stanford University, USA

Robert Holte            University of Alberta, Canada

Bart Kuijpers           Hasselt University, Belgium

Ian Miguel              University of St Andrews, UK

Peter Revesz            University of Nebraska - Lincoln, USA

Marie-Christine Rousset University of Grenoble, France

Wheeler Ruml            University of New Hampshire, USA

Nathan Sturtevant      University of Denver, USA

Miroslav Velev          Aries Design Automation, USA

Toby Walsh              University of New South Wales, Australia
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