UMass Amherst Computer Science has a tenure track opening in the area of 
machine learning, especially graphical models.

Our department is highly ranked in AI, exceptionally collaborative, and has 
long-standing broad interests in machine learning.  In addition to myself, Andy 
Barto, Sridhar Mahadevan, David Jensen, Erik Learned-Miller, Bruce Croft, 
Shlomo Zilberstein and other ML-related faculty, last year we were joined by 
Hanna Wallach and Aria Haghighi.

We will begin reviewing applications on December 1.

Computer Science also has a tenure-track opening in bioinformatics; see

Please forward this message to anyone who might be interested.

Best wishes,

Faculty Position in Computer Science, Machine Learning
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Department of Computer Science
We invite applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the
area of machine learning, especially graphical models and the
development of novel machine learning methodology for a diverse range
of application areas.  Applicants must have completed (or be
completing) a Ph.D. in Computer Science, or a related area, and should
show evidence of exceptional research promise.
Our department, which has a strong record of interdisciplinary
collaboration, has prominent and growing strengths in various areas of
machine learning and AI.  In addition, many of our faculty work in
areas neighboring machine learning, including vision, robotics,
natural language, information retrieval, data mining, computational
social science, sensor networks and computer networks. We are highly
supportive of junior faculty, providing both formal and informal
mentoring.  We have a substantial history of NSF CAREER awards and
other early research funding.  Computer Science has close ties to other
departments including statistics/mathematics, engineering, biology,
physics, linguistics and the social sciences, as well as new "green"
initiatives.  Amherst, a historic New England town, is the center of
a vibrant and culturally rich area that includes four other colleges.

To apply, please send a cover letter referencing search R39789 with
your vita, a research statement, a teaching statement, and at least
three letters of recommendation.  Electronic submission of application
materials in pdf format is preferred.  Send to
Alternatively, paper copies ofapplication materials may be sent to:
Search R39789, c/o Chair of Faculty Recruiting, Department of Computer
Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003.
We will begin to review applications on December 1, 2010 and will
continue until the position is filled.  Salary will be commensurate
with education and experience.  Inquiries and requests for more
information can be sent to:

The University of Massachusetts is an Affirmative Action/Equal
Opportunity employer.  Women and members of minority groups are
encouraged to apply.

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