3rd International Workshop on Sensor Networks and Ambient Intelligence (SeNAmI 
In conjunction with IEEE/IFIP EUC 2010:
Hong Kong SAR, China, December 11-13, 2010

Advances in low-cost embedded processors and wireless communications have 
fuelled the recent intense development of sensor networks, which has potential 
to offer unobtrusive and transparent personal and ambient sensing 
infrastructures that are vital to the creation of the envisioned ubiquitous 
computing fabric for ambient intelligence (AmI). 

The continued miniaturization and integration of sensors at unprecedented scale 
and density into our everyday objects and environments would soon enable the 
fine-grain capture of personal and ambient context information that provides 
the basis of intelligence for higher-order cognitive systems, i.e. systems with 
the ability to perceive, reason, learn, and react intelligently to their 
environments in order to make the most appropriate decisions or to take the 
best actions that concern the humans at the centre of their support or care.

Following the success of the inaugural SeNAmI workshop in Dunedin, New Zealand 
in 2008, and the second SeNAmI workshop in Hiroshima, Japan, in 2009, this 
event once again aims to bring together researchers from academia and industry 
to present and discuss recent trends and advances in sensor networks and 
ambient intelligence, and from such engagement foster innovations towards 
technology maturity of sensor-based AmI systems and applications.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- Cognitive wireless sensor networks
- Sensor networking with context and ambient awareness
- Nature or bio-inspired designs for ambient sensing and intelligence
- Cross-layer design and optimization of sensor-based AmI systems
- Reasoning and inference for sensor/RFID-based systems
- Multi-modal sensor fusion for smart environments
- Cyber-physical systems for human-centric applications
- Ambient energy harvesting and energy-efficiency issues for sensor networks
- Sensor or sensor-embedded object localization and target tracking
- Cooperative in-network sensor information processing
- Intelligent and mobile agents for embedded ubiquitous computing
- Sensor networking in heterogeneous environments
- Privacy, security, and trust management
- AmI architectures, platforms, applications, and services
- Prototypes, testbeds, and real-world deployments


Paper submission due            : July 15, 2010
Acceptance notification         : September 10, 2010
Camera-ready due                 : October 10, 2010
Workshop date                      : TBA

Papers reporting original and unpublished research results and experience are 
solicited. All paper submissions will be handled electronically via EasyChair. 

Please prepare your paper following the IEEE Computer Society proceedings 
guidelines. Maximum page length may be limited to 6 pages. 

Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings of the IEEE/IFIP 
EUC 2010, which will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press and digitally 
archived in IEEE Xplore library. 

Proceedings published by IEEE will be indexed by major indexing services such 
as IET INSPEC, Thomson ISI Proceedings (ISTP), and EI Compendex.

For further details, please visit:

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