Please distribute this announcement: ACM TSLP - Special Issue: call for Papers: Machine Learning for Robust and Adaptive Spoken Dialogue Systems"
* Submission Deadline 1 July 2010 * <> During the last decade, research in the field of Spoken Dialogue Systems (SDS) has experienced increasing growth, and new applications include interactive search, tutoring and troubleshooting systems, games, and health agents. The design and optimization of such SDS requires the development of dialogue strategies which can robustly handle uncertainty, and which can automatically adapt to different types of users (novice/expert, youth/senior) and noise conditions (room/street). New statistical learning techniques are also emerging for training and optimizing speech recognition, parsing / language understanding, generation, and synthesis for robust and adaptive spoken dialogue systems. Automatic learning of adaptive, optimal dialogue strategies is currently a leading domain of research. Among machine learning techniques for spoken dialogue strategy optimization, reinforcement learning using Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) and Partially Observable MDPs (POMDPs) has become a particular focus. One concern for such approaches is the development of appropriate dialogue corpora for training and testing. However, the small amount of data generally available for learning and testing dialogue strategies does not contain enough information to explore the whole space of dialogue states (and of strategies). Therefore dialogue simulation is most often required to expand existing datasets and man-machine spoken dialogue stochastic modelling and simulation has become a research field in its own right. User simulations for different types of user are a particular new focus of interest. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Robust and adaptive dialogue strategies User simulation techniques for robust and adaptive strategy learning and testing Rapid adaptation methods Modelling uncertainty about user goals Modelling users goal evolution along time Partially Observable MDPs in dialogue strategy optimization Methods for cross-domain optimization of dialogue strategies Statistical spoken language understanding in dialogue systems Machine learning and context-sensitive speech recognition Learning for adaptive Natural Language Generation in dialogue Machine learning for adaptive speech synthesis (emphasis, prosody, etc.) Corpora and annotation for machine learning approaches to SDS Approaches to generalising limited corpus data to build user models and user simulations Evaluation of adaptivity and robustness in statistical approaches to SDS and user simulation. Submission Procedure: Authors should follow the ACM TSLP manuscript preparation guidelines described on the journal web site <> and submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the journal manuscript submission site <> Authors are required to specify that their submission is intended for this Special Issue by including on the first page of the manuscript and in the field Authors Cover Letter the note Submitted for the Special Issue of Speech and Language Processing on Machine Learning for Robust and Adaptive Spoken Dialogue Systems. Without this indication, your submission cannot be considered for this Special Issue. Schedule: Submission deadline : 1 July 2010 Notification of acceptance: 1 October 2010 Final manuscript due: 15th November 2010 Guest Editors: Oliver Lemon, Heriot-Watt University, Interaction Lab, School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Edinburgh, UK. Olivier Pietquin, Ecole Supérieure dÉlectricité (Supelec), Metz, France. <> -- Olivier Pietquin, PhD Associate Professor, Head of IMS Research Group In charge of the Interactive Systems and Robotics graduate program SUPELEC - Campus de Metz Metz Technopôle 2 rue Edouard Belin 57070 Metz - FRANCE Information, Multimodality & Signal Group Email: <> Home: <> Tel: +33 387 76 47 70 --- Fax: +33 387 76 47 22
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