** Deadline Extended **
 Final Submissions due May3rd.

XI Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence
30th – 31th August 2010  - Buenos Aires, Argentina

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39 JAIIO - 39 Argentine Conference of Informatics - www.39jaiio.org.ar
August 30th to September 3th, 2010 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

Since 1961, SADIO (Argentine Society for Informatics) organizes JAIIO
(Argentine Conference of Informatics). JAIIO is one of the most relevant
events for the national and regional IT sector, with participants from both
industry and academia.

JAIIO is organized as a series of thematic symposia including topics such as
software engineering, artificial intelligence, technology, agroinformatics,
high performance computing, industrial informatics, free software, law,
health, information society, and a students contest.

After many years, JAIIO returns to the Buenos Aires city.


ASAI, the Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, is an annual event
intended to be the main forum of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) community
in Argentina. The symposium aims at providing a forum for researchers and AI
community members to discuss and exchange ideas and experiences on diverse
topics of AI. Previous ASAI editions stimulated presentations on both
applications of AI and new tools and foundations currently under

The XI Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (ASAI 2010) will be
held during  30th – 31th August 2010, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. ASAI 2010
will be part of the 39th JAIIO, the 39th Argentine Conference on
Informatics, organized by SADIO.

- AI Development, Tools and Methodologies
- AI Foundations (philosophy, epistemology, economics, etc.)
- Machine Learning
- Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
- Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Virtual Reality
- Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
- Evolutionary Computation
- Innovative applications of Artificial Intelligence (Bioinformatics,
Computational - Biology, Education, Internet, Law, Music, etc.)
- Knowledge Acquisition
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Knowledge Engineering
- Natural Language Processing
- Speech Processing
- Image Processing
- Planning and Scheduling
- Robotics

Dr. Marcelo G. Armentano, ISISTAN Research Institute – Universidad Nacional
del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Tandil, Argentina
Dr. Pablo M. Granitto, CIFASIS - Centro Internacional Franco Argentino de
Ciencias de la Información y Sistemas, Rosario, Argentina.

- Dr. Juan Carlos Augusto (School of Computing and Mathematics, University
of Ulster at Jordanstown, UK)
- Dr. Jie Bao  (Semantic Web and Description Logics, Department of Computer
Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
- Dr. Luis S. Berdún (ISISTAN, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Pcia.
de Bs. As., Argentina)
- Dr. Facundo Bromberg (Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional
Mendoza, Mendoza, Argentina)
- Dr. Olivier Boissier (ENS Mines Saint-Etienne, France)
- Dr. Carlos Iván Chesñevar (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina, and
Universidad de Lleida, Spain)
- Dr. Cristina Conati (University of British Columbia, Canadá)
- Dr. Juan Manuel Corchado (GSII, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain)
- Dr. Rosanna Costaguta (Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero,
- Dr. Yves Demazeau (CNRS-LIG, France)
- Dr. Elena Duran (Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, Argentina)
- Dr. Alejandro Garcia (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina)
- Dr. Daniela Godoy (ISISTAN, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Pcia. de
Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Dr. Juan Carlos Gómez (Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina)
- Dr. Gabriel Infante-Lopez (FaMAF, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba,
- Dr. Pedro Larragraña (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España)
- Dr. Huei Diana Lee (Laboratório de Bioinformática, Universidade Estadual
do Oeste do Paraná, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil)
- Dr. Ana Gabriela Maguitman (Dpto. de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la
Computación Universidad Nacional del Sur, UNS)
- Dr. Dimitris Margaritis (Department of Computer Science, Iowa State
University, USA)
- Dr. Diego Milone (Laboratory for signals and computational intelligence,
Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina)
- Dr. María Carolina Monard (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)
- Dr. Ariel Monteserin (ISISTAN, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Pcia.
de Bs. As., Argentina)
- Dr. Ronaldo Prati (Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil)
- Dr. Silvia Schiaffino (ISISTAN, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la
Pcia. de Bs. As., Argentina)
- Dr. Guillermo Simari (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina)
- Dr. Georgina Stegmayer (UTN-Santa Fe, Argentina)
- Dr. Pablo F. Verdes (Man Research Lab, Oxford, United Kingdom)

ASAI 2010 seeks original contributions in a wide spectrum of Artificial
Intelligence, ranging from state-of-the-art academic research to industrial
and business applications having a significant impact. The symposium will
consist of invited talks and regular paper sessions presenting mature work
(full papers) in theoretical research and applications. A poster session
will be devoted to the presentation of new ideas and less mature work in
general (extended abstracts).
Submissions are due before April 26th. Delayed submissions will most likely
be rejected. All papers received before the deadline will be peer-reviewed
by referees of the area.
The submission of manuscripts must follow the format available at
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. The page limit for a full
paper is 12 pages. Extended abstracts describing novel research visions,
work-in-progress or less mature results are also welcome, with a limit of 4
pages. All contributions should be submitted in Ghostview-readable
Postscript or PDF formats. For diffusion reasons, papers in English are
strongly recommended (Spanish is also acceptable).
Information on the format of the camera-ready copy will be forwarded with
the acceptance letter.  Each accepted paper must be presented in the
symposium, and the presenter must be registered in the conference.

An online system is available to submit the articles. Find further
information and instructions at: http://www.39jaiio.org.ar/node/49

- May 3rd, 2010 : Deadline for submissions of papers
- June 14th, 2010 : Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
- June 28th, 2010 : Deadline for camera ready submissions


For further information, please send an e-mail to:
asai2...@exa.unicen.edu.ar or visit: http://www.39jaiio.org.ar/asai
uai mailing list

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