------------- Apologies for multiple cross-postings --------------------- The 2nd ESWC Workshop on Inductive Reasoning and Machine Learning for the Semantic Web (IRMLeS 2010) May, 31st 2010 | Heraklion, Greece
In conjunction with the 7th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2010) *NEW* Call for submissions - "Late breaking news" session ===================================================================== For this session we invite submissions in the form of 1-page extended abstracts in LNCS style presenting work relevant to the workshop topics, even such that has already been accepted to another venue (journal or conference). Instead of regular review process, these submissions will just undergo a relevance check. The abstracts will be part of the electronic workshop notes available at the time of the workshop. Within the session the authors will also give a short oral presentation. The goal of the session is to stimulate gathering the community interested in the theme of the IRMLeS workshop, incent discussions, and enable exchange of ideas. *NEW* Final schedule of important dates ===================================================================== * 31 March 2010 FINAL submission deadline for full and position papers (EXTENDED) * 15 April 2010 Deadline for extended abstracts for "late breaking news" session (NEW) * 19 April 2010 Notification (for all types of submission) (EXTENDED) * 26 April 2010 Camera ready (for full and position papers) (EXTENDED) * 31 May 2010 Workshop day Invited speakers ============================================================= Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz-Landau Melanie Hilario, University of Geneva Overview ============================================================ The upcoming 2nd International Workshop on Inductive Reasoning and Machine Learning for the Semantic Web (IRMLeS), will be held as part of the 7th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) in Heraklion, Crete (Greece). The primary goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the interdisciplinary research on the intersection of the Semantic Web with Knowledge Discovery and Machine Learning. The workshop is conceived to provide a meeting point for the related communities to stimulate collaboration and enable cross-fertilization of ideas. Large amounts of data increasingly becoming available and described using real-life ontologies represented in Semantic Web languages recently opened up the possibility for interesting real-world data mining applications on the Semantic Web. However, exploiting this global resource of data requires new kinds of approaches for data mining and data analysis that would be able to deal at the same time with its scale and with the complexity, expressivity, and heterogeneity of the representation languages, leverage on availability of ontologies and explicit semantics of the resources, and account for novel assumptions (e.g., "open world") that underlie reasoning services within the Semantic Web. The workshop will try to address the above issues, in particular focusing on the problems of how machine learning techniques, such as statistical learning methods and inductive forms of reasoning, can work directly on the richly structured Semantic Web data and exploit the Semantic Web technologies, what is the value added of machine learning methods for the Semantic Web, and what are the challenges for developers of machine learning techniques for the Semantic Web data, for example in the area of ontology mining. Topics of interest ============================================================ The topics of interest of the workshop include, but are not limited to: * Knowledge Discovery and Ontologies: data mining techniques using ontologies, ontology mining and knowledge discovery from ontological knowledge bases, ontology-based interpretation and validation of discovered knowledge, evaluation methodologies and metrics for the interaction of knowledge discovery and ontologies, whole knowledge discovery process guided by ontologies * Inductive Reasoning with Concept Languages: inductive aggregation, concept retrieval and query answering, approximate classification, inductive methods and fuzzy reasoning for ontology mapping, construction and evolution, concept change and novelty detection for ontology evolution * Statistical learning for the Semantic Web: refinement operators for concept and rule languages, concept and rules learning, kernels and instance-based learning for structured representations, semantic (dis )similarity measures and conceptual clustering, probabilistic methods for concept and rule languages * Special focus topics: OWA vs CWA in learning, applicability of relational learning in the Semantic Web context, integration of induction and deduction, benchmarking of datasets * Applications: (in the domains of the main tracks of ESWC) plus life sciences, cultural heritage, semantic multimedia, geo-informatics, and others Regular paper submisssion ============================================================ The contributed papers, written in English, should be submitted in PDF or PostScript format, not exceeding the following limits * 12 pages (full papers) * 5 pages (position papers) following the ESWC formatting style (Springer LNCS). All submissions will be reviewed by at least 2 referees. In addition to the ESWC workshop proceedings, depending on the quality and quantity of submissions, it is intended to publish a selection of revised accepted papers in a journal special issue or a book volume. "Late breaking news" paper submission ============================================================ The extended abstracts, written in English, should be submitted in PDF or PostScript format, not exceeding 1 page limit following the ESWC formatting style (Springer LNCS). Organizing Committee ============================================================ * Claudia d'Amato, University of Bari, Italy * Nicola Fanizzi, University of Bari, Italy * Marko Grobelnik, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia * Agnieszka Lawrynowicz, Poznan University of Technology, Poland * Vojtech Svatek, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic Program Committee ============================================================ * Sarabjot S. Anand - University of Warwick * Bettina Berendt - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven * Abraham Bernstein - University of Zurich * Floriana Esposito - University of Bari * Mohand-Said Hacid - University Lyon 1 * Melanie Hilario - University of Geneva * Andreas Hotho - University of Kassel * Jose Iria - IBM Research, Zurich * Ross D. King - University of Aberystwyth * Jens Lehmann - University of Leipzig * Francesca A. Lisi - University of Bari * Thomas Lukasiewicz - Oxford University * Matthias Nickles - University of Bath * Sebastian Rudolph - University of Karlsruhe * Jetendr Shamdasani - University of the West of England * Steffen Staab - University of Koblenz-Landau * Umberto Straccia - ISTI-CNR, Pisa * Volker Tresp - Siemens Further information ============================================================ http://irmles.di.uniba.it/2010/ _______________________________________________ uai mailing list uai@ENGR.ORST.EDU https://secure.engr.oregonstate.edu/mailman/listinfo/uai