(Apologies for multiple postings)

Call for papers MACHINE LEARNING AND GAMES workshop at ICML 2010

June 25th, 2010-  Haifa, Israel



The primary goal of this workshop is to bring researchers working on various aspects of machine learning and games together. We want to provide a venue for discussing future directions for machine learning in games, both for academia and the industry.

The intention is to keep the scope of the workshop rather broad and include topics such as: - Learning how to play games well, for games ranging from deterministic and discrete boardgames to non-deterministic, continuous, real time, action oriented games. - Player/opponent/team modeling, for goals such as improving artificial players in competitive games, mimicing human players, or game or learning curve adaptation. - Game analysis, for automatic skillranking, matchmaking, or player and team behavior analysis (fraud detection) in multiplayer games. - Automated content or story generation for games, possibly with attention to user specific constraints and preferences. - Game adaptivity, e.g. for raising or lowering difficulty levels dependent on the players proficiency, avoiding the emergence of player routines that are guaranteed to beat the game. This topic also includes concerns on game stability and performance guarantees for artificial opponents.
- Novel learning scenarios arising from practical problems in games.
- Machine learning perspectives in/from the games industry.


We will welcome on-going work, position papers, as well as completed work. Submissions will be reviewed by program committee members on the basis of relevance, significance, technical quality, and clarity. All accepted papers will be presented as posters and among them, eight to ten will be selected for the oral presentation.

The deadline for submission is April 7th, 2010. Submissions should be formatted according to the templates available at the workshop's website (see above) and submitted via email to icml10...@iais.fraunhofer.de .

We also invite the authors of relevant, rejected work from ICML to submit their rejected paper together with the reviews generated by the ICML reviewers and an author rebuttal if deemed relevant. These submission should be made as soon as possible after the ICML author notification.


Submissions due: April 7th, 2010
Notification of acceptance: April 30th, 2010
Workshop date: June 25th, 2010


Christian Thurau, Fraunhofer IAIS and B-IT, University of Bonn
Kurt Driessens, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Olana Missura, Fraunhofer IAIS and University of Bonn

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