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Kind regards,
Agathe and Phil
emd10 program chairs


Warning: Deadline for full papers --March 10-- approaching!!!!!!
See for details

The Third International Conference on Educational Data Mining

Pittsburgh, PA USA
June 11-13, 2010

Topics of Interest

We welcome papers describing original work. Areas of interest include but are
not limited to:

  * Improving educational software. Many large educational data sets are
generated by computer software. Can we use our discoveries to improve the
[WINDOWS-1252?]software’s effectiveness?
  * Domain representation. How do learners represent the domain? Does this
representation shift as a result of instruction? Do different subpopulations
represent the domain differently?
  * Evaluating teaching interventions. Student learning data provides a
powerful mechanism for determining which teaching actions are successful. How
can we best use such data?
  * Emotion, affect, and choice. The [WINDOWS-1252?]student’s level of
interest and
willingness to be a partner in the educational process is critical. Can we
detect when students are bored and uninterested? What other affective states
or student choices should we track?
  * Integrating data mining and pedagogical theory. Data mining typically
involves searching a large space of models. Can we use existing educational
and psychological knowledge to better focus our search?
  * Improving teacher support. What types of assessment information would
help teachers? What types of instructional suggestions are both feasible to
generate and would be welcomed by teachers?
  * Replication studies. We are especially interested in papers that apply a
previously used technique to a new domain, or that reanalyze an existing data
set with a new technique.
  * Best practices for adaptation of data mining techniques to EDM. We are
especially interested in papers that present best practices or methods for the
adaptation of techniques from data mining and other relevant literatures to
the specific needs of analysis of educational data.

Important Dates

  * Paper submission: March 10, 2010 (23:59:59 EST), no extension
  * Acceptance notification: April 21, 2010
  * Poster abstract submission: April 28, 2010 (23:59:59 EST)
  * Poster notification: May 3, 2010
  * Camera ready papers, posters: May 19, 2010
  * Conference: June 11-13, 2010

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