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Special session and workshop:


algorithms for learning (Dynamic) Bayesian network structure and parameter by 
of priori domain-specific knowledge” 



ICAI’10: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence

July 12-15, 2010, Las Vegas, USA



(Dynamic) Bayesian networks are a powerful class of
graphical models which have been increasingly applied to various fields such as
computer vision and computational biology. Current mainstream network structure
and parameter learning approaches are derived by focusing on the quantitative
data in general. Yet, these approaches are too general to incorporate different
kinds of typical priori information in every specific application domain.
However, it is well known that efficient use of prior distribution becomes
critical and indispensable to achieve good BN estimation and prediction results
especially when the data amount is scarce.

<Topics and Scope>

 This session/workshop
encourages novel algorithms on Bayesian network structure and/or parameter 
We especially encourage those novel algorithms cover one or more of the
following topics: 

- integrates generic forms of prior knowledge to address a
broad of potential applications; 

-integrates a specific form of prior knowledge in the
author’s particular domain. In this case, the addressed domain should be of
general interests including science, engineering, economics, politics and
social humanities.



Full paper submission should follow the format of The 2010
World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing
WORLDCOMP’10. General information about the conference and format instruction 
style) can be found at the conference website:

WORLDCOMP web site: http://www.world-academy-of-science.org


Each paper will be peer-reviewed by three independent experts
and a decision will be to recommend to the workshop chair based on the paper’s
originality, significance, clarity, impact and soundness.

If you intend to submit a paper to this special session and
workshop, please send your paper to Dr. Rui Chang (chang....@hotmail.com).


All accepted papers will be published in the conference
proceedings in both printed book and online version. The conference proceedings
will be will be indexed in Inspec / IET / The Institute for Engineering and
Technology, DBLP / Computer Science Bibliography, and others. The printed
proceedings will be available for distribution on site at the conference.



Please send you paper to Dr. Rui Chang no later than March,
20th, 2010. Notification of acceptance will be send via email by
April, 5th, 2010.



Dr. Rui Chang

University of California, San Diego

email: chang....@hotmail.com

Tel: +1-646-520-5395


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