
                       Second Call for Papers

                               for the

                Twentieth IEEE International Workshop on
                 Machine Learning for Signal Processing
                             (MLSP 2010)

            August 29 - September 1, 2010, Kittila, Finland

                   Website: http://mlsp2010.conwiz.dk


Submission of full papers:    April 1, 2010
Notification of acceptance:   May 28, 2010
Camera-ready paper
and author registration:      June 18, 2010
Advance registration before:  June 23, 2010


The 2010 IEEE International Workshop on MACHINE LEARNING FOR SIGNAL
PROCESSING (MLSP 2010) will be held in Kittila, Finland, in
August-September 2010. MLSP 2010 is the twentieth workshop in the
series of workshops sponsored by IEEE Signal Processing Society. It
will present the most recent and exciting contributions in machine
learning for signal processing through keynote talks as well as
special and regular single-track sessions.


- Prof. Zoubin Ghahramani, University of Cambridge
- Prof. Tom Mitchell, Carnegie Mellon University
- Dr. Henry Tirri, Head of Nokia Research Center


General chair:              Erkki Oja
Program chairs:             Samuel Kaski, David Miller
Special session chairs:     Samy Bengio, Mikko Kurimo
Publicity chairs:           Marc Van Hulle, Jaakko Peltonen
Web and publication chairs: Antti Honkela, Jan Larsen
Data competition chairs:    Vince Calhoun, Kenneth Hild, Mikko Kurimo
Local arrangements:         Tapani Raiko (chair), Francesco Corona,
                            Ali Faisal, Mari-Sanna Paukkeri


MLSP 2010 will be held in the Levi Summit conference and exhibition
centre in Kittila, Finland. Levi is one of the largest resorts in
Finnish Lapland, north of the Arctic Circle. In the summer, Levi
offers many sports activities as well as lots of wild northern nature.
The conference centre is located high on the hillside of the Levi
fell, accessible by gondola from the main village.


Machine learning in signal processing is concerned with tasks such as
detection, estimation, prediction, classification, and optimization,
with a wide range of applications. The following is a non-exhaustive
list of topics for MLSP 2010:

- Bayesian learning and signal processing
- Cognitive information processing
- Graphical and kernel methods
- Information-theoretic learning
- Learning theory and algorithms, including bounds on performance
- Supervised learning, including signal detection, pattern
   recognition and classification
- Unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning
- Source separation and component analysis
- Data fusion and integration
- Feature extraction, information visualization
- Sparse and structured representations
- Neural network learning
- Time-series analysis
- Adaptive filtering
- Data mining, information retrieval
- Sequential learning and sequential decision methods
- Hardware implementation of machine learning in signal processing
- Applications of machine learning: Bioinformatics, Biomedical and
   neural signal processing, Neuroinformatics, Speech and audio
   processing, Image and video processing, Computer vision,
   Sensor networks, Robot control, Communications, Cognitive radio,
   Multimodal interfaces and context modeling, Intelligent multimedia
   and web processing


A special session "Towards multimodal proactive interfaces using
large-scale machine learning" is being organized. For more
information see http://mlsp2010.conwiz.dk .


In conjunction with the workshop, a data and signal analysis
competition "Mind Reading" is being organized. Winners will present
their works and receive their award during the Workshop. For more
information see http://mlsp2010.conwiz.dk .


Authors are invited to submit a double column paper of up to six pages
using the electronic submission procedure described at
http://mlsp2010.conwiz.dk .

Accepted papers will be published by IEEE Press; electronic
proceedings will be distributed at the workshop and included in
IEEE Xplore.


Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions
to a special issue of an international journal.

SPONSORS: MLSP 2010 is supported by IEEE, by the IEEE Signal
Processing Society, by the PASCAL2 Network of Excellence, and by
the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies. The data competition
is sponsored by Nokia and the PASCAL2 Challenge Program.

========= See http://mlsp2010.conwiz.dk for more details! =========
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