***** Call for Doctoral Mentoring Program Submissions *****
Ninth International Joint Conference on
Toronto, Canada
Symposium Date: May 10, 2010
Conference Dates: May 10-14, 2010
The AAMAS 2010 doctoral mentoring program is intended for Ph.D.
students in advanced stages of their research. This program will
provide an opportunity for students to interact closely with
established researchers in their fields, to receive feedback on
their work and to get advice on managing their careers. Specifically,
the goals of the program are:
- To match each student with an established researcher in the community
(who will act as a mentor). The mentor will interact closely with
the student, will provide feedback on research, help form new
contacts, etc.
- To allow students an opportunity to present their work to a
friendly audience of other students as well as mentors.
-To provide students with contacts and professional networking opportunities.
The doctoral mentoring program will consist of opportunities for
interactions between mentors and their mentorees prior to the
conference, as well as a one day doctoral symposium.
Submission Requirements
We encourage submissions from Ph.D. students at advanced stages of
their research within the Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
field. Based on the submissions, the organizing committee will
select a group of students that will be invited to participate in
the program. Participants will be expected to take active part in
all doctoral mentoring program activities.
The submission package should include:
- A two-page extended abstract of the student's thesis (in the AAMAS
submission format)
- A personal research statement (one page)
- A short (2-page) resume (CV)
- A recommendation letter from the advisor.
Submissions should be sent via email to jo...@rmit.edu.au.
Important Dates
Jan 30, 2010: Submission package due
Feb 27, 2010: Acceptance notification
May 10, 2010: Doctoral mentoring symposium
For questions, please contact the doctoral mentoring co-chairs:
Gita Sukthankar
University of Central Florida
John Thangarajah
RMIT, Australia
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