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Happy Christmas to All

5th International Conference on Interactive 
Mobile and Computer Aided Learning
Sousse University, Tunisia
7-8 July 2010

In Conjunction with The 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning 
July 5-7, 2010
Sousse, Tunisia 

The world is witnessing a revolution in mobile and computing technologies which 
will transform all handheld devices into small computers with multimedia, web 
browsing and gaming capabilities, and desktop work environments with office 
software, in addition to the usual telephony on mobile networks and the 
Internet. The 5th International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer 
Aided Learning, IMCL2010, which will be hosted by Sousse University, Tunisia, 
comes as a response to this challenge in the Middle East. The conference is 
part of an international initiative to promote technology-enhanced learning and 
online engineering world-wide. The initiative includes a series of conferences 
such as the International Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Learning, 
ICL, Villach, Austria, the International Conference on Interactive Computer 
Aided Blended Learning, ICBL, Florianopolis, Brazil and the International 
Symposium on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, REV. 
 All of these conferences are organized under the umbrella of the International 
Association of Online Engineering and are supported by the online journals: the 
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, the International 
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning and the International Journal for 
Online Engineering. The IMCL2010 conference will cover all aspects of mobile 
learning, mobile business, mobile government, mobile society as well as the 
emergence of mobile technologies, services, implementation and implications for 
education, business, governments and society. 
Important Dates                  
Submission of Full Paper                      20        March   2010
Submission of Short Paper                     20        March   2010
Notification of Acceptance                    20        April   2010
Author Registration Deadline                  15        May     2010
Camera-Ready Papers                   15        May     2010
IMCL2010 Conference                          7-8            July      2010 

Keynote Speakers
1- Giorgio Da Bormida, Director of International Association of Mobile Learning.
2- Paul Lefrere, University of Tampere, Finland

Conference Chairs
Ahmed Noureddine Helal, President, Sousse University, Tunisia

Michael Auer, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Austria

International Advisory Committee Chair
Rob Reilly, MIT Media Lab, USA

International Program Committee Chairs
Abdouli Touhami, Sousse University, Tunisia

A. Y. Al-Zoubi, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan

Supporting Journals
Authors of accepted IMCL2008 papers will be invited to submit selected papers 
for publication in one of the following reputed international journals:
1 International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technology,
2 International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation,
3 IEEE Multidisciplinary Engineering Education Magazine (MEEM),
4 Journal of Educational Technology and Society,
5 International Journal of Engineering Education,
6 Advances in Human-Computer Interaction,
7 International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning,
8 International Journal for Online Engineering,
9 International Journal of Computing and Information Sciences.

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