The latest issue of The Reasoner is now freely available for download in pdf 
format at

Editorial - Katie Steele
Interview with Richard Bradley - Katie Steele
To follow the argument wherever it leads - Danny Frederick
Presuppositions and truth relevance - X.Y. Newberry
Some new propositional inferences - Hartley Slater
Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, 24--25 August - Luis Berdun & 
Facundo Bromberg
Agency and Control: Philosophical and Psychological Aspects, 7 September - 
Dorothee Horstkotter
Mechanisms and Causality in the Sciences, 9--11 September - Attilia Ruzzene
Metacognition, Belief Change and Conditionals, 11--12 September - Simone Duca
The New Ontology of the Mental Causation Debate, 14--16 September - Valdi 
Combining Probability and Logic, 17--19 September - Jan-Willem Romeijn & 
Olivier Roy
Evolution, Cooperation \& Rationality, 18--20 September - Jonathan Grose & 
Cedric Paternotte
Cognitive Approaches to Philosophy of Science and Technology, 28--29 September 
- Raoul Gervais
Australasian Society for Cognitive Science, 30 September - 2 October - John 
Logic and Rational Interaction - Olivier Roy
Computability and Logic by G.S. Boolos and R.C. Jeffrey - Apostolos Syropoulos
Logic vs linguistics - Alan Brown

The Reasoner ( is a monthly digest highlighting exciting
new research on reasoning, inference and method broadly construed. It is 
covering research in, e.g., philosophy, logic, AI, statistics, cognitive 
law, psychology, mathematics and the sciences. 

The Reasoner welcomes submissions:
- Submitted articles (100-1000 words)
- Submitted items of news
- Letters
- Conference announcements
- Job announcements
- Advertisements

Jon Williamson, Editor
Federica Russo, Features Editor
Lorenzo Casini, News Editor

all the best, 
Jon Williamson 
Philosophy, SECL, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NF, UK 

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