Dear UAI list readers,

We are seeking an outstanding Research Fellow with excellent
mathematical background and research expertise in

- Machine Learning or
- (Algorithmic) Information Theory or
- (Bayesian) Statistics or
- Artificial Intelligence or
- related area.

Possible backgrounds are a PhD, or near completion of a PhD, in
mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering, or related.
The initial appointment will be for 2-3 years.

The new employee will interact with Dr. Marcus Hutter and other people
in the RSISE at the ANU.

Information for applicants:

Closing Date: 16 January 2009

Please contact me in case your attending NIPS.

Thanks for your interest

Marcus Hutter, Assoc. Prof.
RSISE, Room B259, Building 115
Australian National University
Corner of North and Daley Road
Canberra ACT 0200, Australia
Phone:   +61(0)2 612 51605
Fax:  +61(0)2 612 58651

The Australian National University (ANU) is located in the city of
Canberra, the Federal Capital of Australia. The ANU consistently
ranks top among all Universities in the southern hemisphere, third
in the Asia/Pacific region, and in the top 50 worldwide.

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