Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement …


Workshop on

Ontology Evolution and
Multimedia Information Extraction

 <http://www.boemie.org/boemie2008> http://www.boemie.org/boemie2008

held next to

 <http://samt2008.uni-koblenz.de/> SAMT 2008 – 3rd International Conference on 
Semantic and Digital Media Technologies 

December 2, 2008, Koblenz, Germany


Call for participation

Participation in the workshop is free of charge but subject to prior 
registration and confirmation.  Delegates will have to pay for their own travel 
and accommodation expenses. It is not required to pay the registration fee for 
the SAMT conference.

To obtain an invitation, please send e-mail to Irma Sofia Espinosa Peraldi, 
<sofia dot espinosa at tuhh dot de>  with the following information: 

-       Name

-       Affiliation 

-       Country

-       Why are you interest in participating?

Send this information no later than November 28th.

For more specific details please refer to:  <http://www.boemie.org/boemie2008> 

Motivation and Scope

BOEMIE 2008 focuses on the automation of the process of knowledge acquisition 
from multimedia content, using evolving multimedia ontologies which will be 
used for the extraction of information from multimedia content in networked 
sources. The goal is to develop synergistic approaches that combine multimedia 
extraction and ontology evolution in a bootstrapping process involving, on the 
one hand, the continuous extraction of semantic information from multimedia 
content in order to populate and enrich the ontologies and, on the other hand, 
the deployment of these ontologies to enhance the robustness of the extraction 

The workshop is tightly coupled with the  <http://www.boemie.org/> BOEMIE 
project, aiming to initiate a new research activity on the automation of 
knowledge acquisition from multimedia content, through computer-aided ontology 
evolution. The resulting technology will have a wide range of applications in 
commerce, tourism, e-science, publishing, etcetc. During the project, the 
technology will beis evaluated through the development of an automatic content 
collection and annotation service for public events in a number of major 
European cities. The extracted semantic information will enriches the 
underlying ontology as well as a digital map, which will provides a friendly 
interface to the end user.


The workshop includes contributions to all research topics related to the 
BOEMIE project. We expectanticipate  significant and fruitful discussions owing 
to differences in potential approaches in handling the issues above. The 
detailed topics of the workshop include but are not limited to the following:

*       Knowledge driven multimedia analysis 
*       Multimedia ontologies 
*       Multimedia reasoning 
*       Ontology learning 
*       Ontology evolution 
*       Ontology matching and coordination
*       Combining Handling multiple vocabularies 
*       Interoperability among current multimedia and Semantic Web standards 
*       Automatic and semi-automatic content annotation tools 
*       Bridging the gap between multimedia features and semantics 


Welcome and introduction to Workshop

   Silvana Castano, 

   Dipartimento di Informatica e Communicazione (DICO),

   University of Milano (UNIMI), Italy


   Ralf Möller, 

   Software, Technology and Systems (STS),     

   Hamburg University of Technology  (TUHH), Germany



Introduction to BOEMIE project  


   George Paliouras, 

   Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications (IIT)

   National Center of Scientific Research (NCSR “Demokritos”),    Greece


Multimedia Information Extraction    

   Jerry R. Hobbs and Rutu Mulkar-Mehta

   Information Sciences Institute (ISI), 

   University of Southern California, USA


   Sergios Petridis, 

   Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications (IIT)

   National Center of Scientific Research (NCSR “Demokritos”), Greece

Multimedia Ontologies


   Steffen Staab,         

   Information Systems and Semantic Web (ISWeb),

   University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany  


   Stamatia Dasiopoulou, 

   Informatics and Telematics Institute (ITI),

   Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), Greece


Multimedia and Reasoning


   Umberto Straccia, 

   Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI), 

   National Research Council (CNR), Italy                        

   Sofia Espinosa, Atila Kaya and Ralf Möller,

   Software, Technology and Systems (STS),     

   Hamburg University of Technology  (TUHH), Germany

Ontology Learning and Evolution


   Giorgios Flouris, Giorgos Konstantinidis, Vassilis Christophides and 
Grigoris Antoniou

   Institute of Computer Science

   Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, (FORTH), Greece     

   Alfio Ferrara, 

   Dipartimento di Informatica e Communicazione (DICO),

   University of Milano (UNIMI), Italy


Organizers and Chairs

Silvana Castano, <castano at dico dot unimi dot it>
University of Milano, Italy

Alfio Ferrara, <ferrara at dico dot unimi dot it>
University of Milano, Italy

Ralf Möller, <r dot f dot moeller at tuhh dot de>
Hamburg University of Technology, Germany

George Paliouras, <paliourg at iit dot demokritos dot gr>
NCSR Demokritos, Greece

Irma Sofia Espinosa Peraldi, <sofia dot espinosa at tuhh dot de>



Irma Sofia Espinosa Peraldi


Hamburg University of Technology

Institute for Software Systems

PhD candidate


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