Hi all,

The purpose of this email is to announce to the members of this list
the AGI-09 conference (the Second Conference on Artificial General
which will be in March 2009 in Washington DC


Registration is open and we're accepting papers until November 12


I realize the notice is short, and apologize for that!   The first call for
was sent out  months ago, but it recently occurred to me that I forgot to
distribute  it on this mailing list, which might have some interested
individuals on it.

We've got an excellent programme lined up, including a much-anticipated
keynote speech by Jurgen Schmidhuber, along with sessions chaired by a host
of outstanding researchers including

- Evaluation of AGI Systems
chaired by John Laird, University of Michigan

- Logic Based AI
chaired by Selmer Bringsjord, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

- Automated Program Learning
chaired by Moshe Looks, Google Research

- AI in Virtual Worlds and Games
 chaired by Sibley Verbeck, Electric Sheep Company

- AGI and Neuroscience
chaired by Randal Koene, Boston University

- Artificial Brains
chaired by Hugo de Garis, Xiamen University

- The Future of AGI
chaired by Josh Hall

- AGI and Serious Games
chaired by David Gobel

There will also be a series of pre-conference tutorials taught by leaders
in the field:

- OpenCyc Commonsense AI Tutorial
led by Stephen Reed, former Cyc researcher & leader of Texai project

- Modeling the Mind Using Logic
led by Selmer Bringsjord, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

- Automated Program Learning for AGI
led by Moshe Looks, Google Research

- The OpenCog Framework for Integrative AGI
led by Ben Goertzel, Novamente LLC

- SOAR Cognitive Architecture Tutorial
led by John Laird, University of Michigan

- A Reinforcement Learning Perspective on AGI
led by Itamar Elhanany, University of Tennessee

We expect AGI-09 to be even better than AGI-08, and hope to see you there.
Registration will be capped at 150, so non-paper-submitting attendees are
encouraged to register soon.

See you in Washington!


Ben Goertzel (AGI-09 Conference Chair)
and the
AGI-09 Organizing Committee:
- Stan Franklin (Honorary Chair), University of Memphis
- Tsvi Achler, U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Sam S. Adams, IBM Research
- Wlodek Duch, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland
- Itamar Elhanany, University of Tennessee Knoxville
- Sandra S. Hall, AT&T Research
- Pascal Hitzler, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
- Marcus Hutter, Australian National University
- Bruce Klein, Novamente LLC
- Stephen Reed, Texai
uai mailing list

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