I am not trying to hawk my own book. However, my recent text 
Probabilistic Methods for Financial and Marketing Informatics could 
be used in such a course. It has more math/algorithms and less prose 
than Clemen's book.

At 09:53 PM 11/6/2007, Robert Dodier wrote:
>I have been asked to make recommendations for books or other
>resources for an introduction to decision analysis.
>I am familiar with "Making Hard Decisions" by Robert Clemen,
>and I think it is a good introduction because the technical level
>is low and emphasis is on concepts. Would anyone like to
>recommend other books, papers, web sites, etc ?
>Thanks for your help, & all the best.
>Robert Dodier
>uai mailing list

Richard E. Neapolitan
Professor and Chair of Computer Science
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 N. St. Louis
Chicago, Illinois 60625 

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