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Call for Papers (Deadline: 10 Nov, 2007) The Third International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology (RSKT2008) May 17-19, 2008 , Chengdu , P.R. China http://sist.swjtu.edu.cn/rskt2008 Since the introduction of rough sets in 1982 by Professor Zdzislaw Pawlak, we have witnessed great advances in both theory and applications. Rough set theory is closely related to knowledge technology in a variety of forms such as knowledge discovery, approximate reasoning, intelligent and multiagent system design, knowledge intensive computations . The cutting-edge knowledge technologies have great impact on learning, pattern recognition, machine intelligence and automation of acquisition, transformation, communication, exploration and exploitation of knowledge. A principal thrust of such technologies is the utilization of methodologies that facilitate knowledge processing. To present the state-of-the-art scientific results, encourage academic and industrial interaction, and promote collaborative research in rough sets and knowledge technology worldwide, the 3rd International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology will be held in Chengdu , China , May 17-19, 2008 . It will provide a forum for researchers to discuss new results and exchange ideas, follow ing the successful RSKT'06 ( Chongqing , China ) and JRS'07 (RSKT'07 together with RSFDGrC'07 ) ( Toronto , Canada ). Topics (included, but are not limited to): Computing Theory and Paradigms Autonomy-oriented Computing Evolutionary Computing Fuzzy Sets and Computing Granular Computing Grid and Cooperative Computing Intelligent Computing Molecular and Quantum Computing Neural Computing Reliable Computing Rough Sets and Computing Soft Computing Knowledge Technology Automated Reasoning Concept Formation and Learning Conceptual Maps Data Mining Formal Concept Analysis Intelligent Data Analysis Knowledge Engineering Knowledge Retrieval Knowledge Theory Logics Machine Learning Intelligent Information Processing Artificial Intelligence Artificial Life Bioinformatics Brain Informatics Cognitive Informatics Cognitive Information Processing Intelligence Science Natural Intelligence Neural Informatics Natural Language Processing Web Intelligence Intelligent Control Computer Vision and Perception Intelligent Agent s and Multiagents Intelligent Control and Modeling Pattern Recognition Robotics Speech Recognition Applications Digital City and Digital Interactivity Intelligent Agriculture Intelligent Bio-Medical Intelligent CAD Intelligent Communications Intelligent Education Intelligent Environmental Engineering Intelligent Games Intelligent Information Security Intelligent Management Intelligent Manufacture Intelligent Power Intelligent Telecommunications Intelligent Transportation Conference Organization Honorary Chairs: Ruqian Lu ( China ), Lotfi Zadeh ( USA ) Conference Chairs : Pingzhi Fan ( China ), Roman Slowinski ( Poland ) , Shusaku Tsumoto ( Japan ) , Wojciech Ziarko ( Canada ) Program Chairs : Jerzy Grzymala-Busse (USA) , Duoqian Miao (China), Andrzej Skowron ( Poland ) , Guoyin Wang (China) , Yiyu Yao (Canada) Organizing Chair : Tianrui Li ( China ) Special Session and Workshop Chairs: Salvatore Greco ( Italy ) , Wei-Zhi Wu ( China ) Industry Chair: Dominik Slezak ( Canada ) Publicity Chairs : Jianchao Han ( USA ), Jingtao Yao ( Canada ) Steering Committee Chairs: Q ing Li u ( China ) , James F Peters ( Canada ), Lech Polkowski ( Poland ) Steering Committee Aijun An (Canada) Malcolm Beynon (UK) Hans-Dieter Burkhard (Germany) Cory Butz (Canada) Gianpiero Cattaneo (Italy) Nicholas Cercone (Canada) Mihir K. Chakraborty (India) Juan-Carlos Cubero (Spain) Didier Dubois (France) Ivo Duentsch (Canada) Aboul E. Hassanien (Kuwait) Masahiro Inuiguchi (Japan) Etienne Kerre (Belgium) Yuefeng Li (Australia) Jiye Liang (China) Tsau Young Lin (USA) Pawan Lingras (Canada) Jiming Liu (Canada) Jie Lu ( Australia ) Victor Marek (USA) Ernestina Menasalvas-Ruiz (Spain) Sadaaki Miyamoto (Japan) S. K. Michael Wong (Canada) Masoud Nikravesh (USA) Setsuo Ohsuga (Japan) Ewa Orlowska (Poland) Sankar K. Pal (India) Witold Pedrycz (Canada) Vijay V. Raghavan ( USA ) Sheela Ramanna (Canada) Da Ruan ( Belgium ) Wladyslaw Skarbek (Poland) Jerzy Stefanowski (Poland) Zbigniew Suraj (Poland) Julio V. Valdes (Canada) Hui Wang (UK) Huanglin Zeng (China) Bo Zhang (China) Justin Zhan ( USA ) Wen-Xiu Zhang (China) Ning Zhong (Japan) Important dates: Full Paper submission: November 10, 2007 . Acceptance notification: January 10, 2008 . Final Paper submission + Registration + Copyright: February 20, 2008 . Submission procedure: Electronic version of full paper (not exceeding 10 pages including figures and tables) should be submitted online at: http :// sist.swjtu .edu.cn /rskt2008 (all submissions must be in PDF format). Manuscripts must be prepared with LaTex2e (use Springer class file llncs2e.zip). See authors' instruction in http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html . Submitted papers must not have been previously published, accepted, or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. For RSKT2008, we will adopt a double-blind review procedure. Please do not include your name and affiliation in the full paper. Publication: All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by Springer-Verlag in the series of Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence ( LNCS/LNAI ). Extensions of selected papers from the RSKT200 8 proceedings will be considered for publication in special issues of International Journals , such as Fundamenta Informaticae ( FI , SCI indexed ), International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems ( IJCIS ). For further details: RSKT 2008 Secretariat School of Information Science and Technology Southwest Jiaotong University Chengdu, 610031, China Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel: +86-28-86466426 Fax: +86-28-87600743 Co- Sponsors ? Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) ? Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications (CQUPT) ? IEEE Chengdu Section ? International Rough Set Society (IRSS) ? Rough Set and Soft Computation Society of Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CRSSC) ? Sichuan Normal University (SNU) ? Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU) ? 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