We would like to briefly indicate that the June issue of the SIPTA
newsletter (Society for Imprecise Probability Theory: Theories and 
Applications) has been available at the address      


and that it contains material that may be of interest to this community:

1) An interview with Prof. Peter M. Williams on the 30th anniversary of 
the paper "Notes on Conditional Previsions", a foundational paper that 
extends many aspects of de Finetti's approach to probability theory.

2) Announcements of lectures and special issues, and a discussion of the 
Bounds software package, by Arie Beresteanu and Charles Manski.

Also, the issue contains a discussion of the new articles of the

Alessandro Antonucci
Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA)
at Idsia                        e-mail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Galleria 2                      web:   www.idsia.ch/~alessandro
Via Cantonale                   mobile:       +39 339-567-23-28
CH-6928                         tel:           +41 58-666-66-70
Manno - Lugano                  fax:           +41 58-666-66-61
Switzerland                     skype:     alessandro.antonucci
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