VideoRec'07: The First International Workshop on
                          Video Processing and Recognition

                             May 28-30, Montreal, Canada,
                             Marriott Chateau Champlain

                                 In conjunction with:
Canadian Conference on Computer & Robot Vision (CRV'07), Artificial Intelligence (AI'07), Computer Graphics (GI'07) and Precarn Intelligent Systems (Precarn IS’07)


The first international Workshop on Video Processing and Recognition is organized in response to the ubiquitous presence and availability of video data and its increasing importance in many applications including security, television, entertainment, and Internet. The workshop is aimed at providing a forum for computer vision researchers to share and demonstrate their latest research in video processing and recognition and, hence, producing a collection of high-quality computer vision papers contributing to the development of video data processing analysis and recognition. The VideoRec07 workshop is organized as a follow-up of past Workshops on Video Processing: Video Processing for Security (VP4S-06), Face Processing in Video: FPiV'04 (held jointly with CVPR'04) and FPiV'05 (held jointly with CRV'05), with its interest extended from face detection, tracking, recognition, coding etc. to people, objects, scene, action and event detection, tracking and recognition, etc.. The VideoRec07 workshop focuses entirely on processing and analyzing video data for the purpose recognition and understanding of the target, people, and events, from such sources as TV, surveillance cameras or web/PDA cameras. The workshop will consist of one day of oral and poster presentations and is open to all attendees of the joint conferences: AI'07, GI'07, CRV'07. The papers accepted for the workshop will be published by IEEE as part of the CRV'07 Proceedings, the electronic version of which will be distributed at the CRV'07 conference. The workshop proceedings will also be automatically archived into the IEEE Computer Society's digital library and the IEEE's XPlore and IEL digital libraries and indexed through the INSPEC indexing service.

Full paper submission & review:

Original full-size papers written in English analyzing video for recognition and understanding are welcomed for submission. Reviewing of the papers will be double blind. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three Program Committee members.

The suggested topics are listed below:

- faces in video: tracking, detecting, memorizing and recognizing faces in video
- people in video: tracking and backtracking people in video
- searching for objects in video
- scene and activity detection and annotation
- video-based alarm systems and video for crime prevention
- video for surveillance
- video for biometrics, soft- and hard- biometrics from video
- making video more intelligent
- multiple-person and gang tracking
- multi-camera people tracking
- combining video data with other sensor data: range, photo,  fingerprints
- video over internet, issues related to privacy of video - face biometrics, modeling, and models
- facial expression recognition and classification, and representation
- performance evaluation for face in video problems
- video-based benchmarks and databases
- processing of video from stereo and panoramic cameras
- rigid and non-rigid 3D motion estimation from video
- combining video and audio for person detection/recognition
- video-based interfaces and computer-human interaction for security
- analyzing multiplexed video, demultiplexing of video
- video event detection and recognition
- video database mining - improving quality of video: anti-aliasing and super-resolution

Papers should be submitted electronically via the workshop website at and follow the instructions there. They should not include any information that would indicate the author's identity (references to authors' previous work should be left blank).

Tier 2 Submission:

The rejected papers and late submissions are welcomed for submission to the workshop's Poster/Demo session. Posters/Demos papers will not be published in the Proceedings. They will thus have however the same exposure to the attendees of all joint conferences as other workshop papers, and will be included on the workshop website. To submit a poster/demo paper, email extended abstract or .pdf file of the paper to the Workshop Chairs by the Tier 2 Submission due date.

Important dates:

January 12 - Tier 1 submissions March 6-Notification of acceptance/rejection sent
March 21-Final paper due
April 10-Tier 2 submission due
May 28-30- Workshop is held

Registration and Venue:

Registration to the workshop entitles one to attend all other joint conferences, and vice versa. Student participation is encouraged by significantly discounted registration fees. Participation in the workshop without submitting a paper is welcomed. For a single registration fee, the workshop participants will also be able to attend the joint conferences. As the second largest city in Canada, Montreal offers the visitors a variety of affordable and interesting places to visit.

Program Chairs:

Robert Laganière ,         U. of Ottawa, Canada Tel: (613) 562 5800 (ext. 6707)
                           Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Qiang Ji,                  Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., USA Tel: (518) 276-6440
                           Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Program Committee:
Andy Adler         Carleton University, Canada
Haizhou Ai         Tsinghua Univerity, China
Jake Aggarwal,     U. of Texas, USA
Bubaker Boufama,   U. of Windsor, Canada
Rama Chellappa,    UMD, USA
Langis Gagnon      CRIM, Canada
Dmitry Gorodnichy, IIT-NRC, Canada
Ralph Gross,       CMU, USA
Anthony Hoogs,     GE Global Research, USA
Anil Jain,         Michigan State U., USA
Jim Little,        U. of British Columbia, Canada
Michael J. Lyons, ATR, Japan Aleix M. Martinez, Ohio State U., USA
Amar Mitiche,      INRS, Canada
Sinjini Mitra,     U. of Southern California, USA
Matthew Turk,      U. of California at Saint Barbara, USA
Lijun Yin,             SUNY at Binghamton, USA
Djemel Ziou,       U. de Sherbrooke, Canada
Hongbin Zha,       Beijing U., China

This workshop  is organized by:
Dmitry O. Gorodnichy, Computational Video Group, Institute of Information
        Technology, National Research Council of Canada

This workshop is sponsored by: * Institute of Information Technology, National Research Council of Canada * Canadian Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society
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