The AUAI website (auai.org) in addition to information about upcoming 
and past UAI conferences also contains a Wiki for the collaborative use 
of the UAI community.  The primary use of UAIWiki right now is to allow 
everyone to update their contact information and location in the 
UAIPeople section.
In order to avoid spam a simple registration is required to make 

A new feature just added to UAIWiki is full LaTeX integration. You can 
now enter LaTeX formulas right into your page and see the results 
The direction of UAIWiki has yet to be really determined.  Will it list 
'standard' definitions or cutting edge questions?  Will it be used for 
collaboration for workshops?  All or none of the above?  Its up to the 
users to decide.

UAIWiki can be found from the link on the main auai.org site or more 
directly via:

------- Mark Crowley
----- PhD student, Computer Science
--- University of British Columbia
- http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~crowley

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