*** Apologies for multiple postings ***


                             *January 8, 2007*


                           FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS

               *** EXTENDED DEADLINE: September 27, 2006 ***

Description of the Workshop

The workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning in Practical Dialogue Systems
will focus on dialogue systems for Robots or Virtual Humans. We encourage
submission of papers presenting successful adaptive dialogue systems as well
as papers on potential drawbacks (or challenges).

Topics addressed in the workshop include, but are not limited to the
following, especially in the context of dialogue systems for robots or virtual

  * Methods for the design and development of dialogue systems.
  * What are the extra constraints and resources of a dialogue system for
    robots and virtual humans, that might not be present in a speech or text
    only dialogue system or even traditional multi-modal interface?
  * Dialogue management strategies for non-verbal behavior.
  * Representation of language resources for dialogue systems.
  * The role of ontologies in dialogue systems for robots and virtual humans.
  * Understanding and generation of spatial language using visual
  * Evaluation of dialogue systems, what to evaluate and how.
  * Techniques and algorithms for adaptivity in dialogue systems on various
    levels, e.g. interpretation, dialogue strategy, and generation.
  * Robustness and how to handle unpredictability.
  * Architectures and frameworks for adaptive dialogue systems. Requirements
    and methods for development related to the architecture. 

This is the fifth workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning in Practical Dialogue
Systems. The first workshop was organised at IJCAI-99 in Stockholm, the second
workshop took place at IJCAI-2001 in Seattle, the third workshop was held
at IJCAI-2003 in Acapulco, and the fourth was held at IJCAI-2005 in Edinburgh.


Who should attend

This workshop aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners that
work on the development of communication models that support robust and
efficient interaction in natural language, both for commercial dialogue
systems and in basic research.

It should be of interest also for anyone studying dialogue and multimodal
interfaces and how to coordinate different information sources. This involves
theoretical as well as practical research, e.g., empirical evaluations of
usability, formalization of dialogue phenomena and development of intelligent
interfaces for various applications, especially robotics and virtual reality.

The workshop will encourage the participation of both system builders and
theoretically oriented researchers, thus creating a forum for discussion
across vocational and disciplinary borders. While taking practical
applications and implemented dialogue systems as our point of departure, we
emphasize the potential contributions of theoretical and empirical research:
applications are the best testbeds for evaluating the usefulness and
originality of theories and ideas. 


Workshop format

The workshop will be kept small, with a maximum of 40 participants. Preference
will be given to active participants selected on the basis of their submitted

Each paper will be given ample time for discussion, more than what is
customary at a conference. As said above, we encourage contributions of a
critical or comparative nature that provide fuel for discussion. We also
invite people to share their experiences of implementing and coordinating
knowledge modules in their dialogue systems, and integrating dialogue
components to other applications.


Submission Instructions

Potential participants are invited to submit papers on the topics
outlined above. Submissions may be of the following types:
 * Regular Papers papers of length 4-8 pages, for regular presentation
 * Short Papers with brief results, or position papers, of length up to 4
   pages for brief or panel presentation.
 * Extended papers with extra details on system architecture, background
   theory or data presentation, of up to 12 pages, for regular presentation. 

Papers should include authors names and affiliation and full references (not
anonymous submission). All papers should be formatted according to the ijcai07
    * Formatting guidelines in PDF format (ijcai07_format.pdf)
    * Formatting guidelines as Word template (ijcai07_format.dot)
    * Formatting guidelines as LaTeX sources (ijcai07_format_latex.tar)
    * Guidelines for Generating PDF Files

Papers should be submitted by web by registering at the following address:

The accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings which
will be distributed to each participant.

Note: Participants are expected to register for the main IJCAI
conference in addition to the workshop.


Important Dates and Deadlines
  * Initial Submission:                 September 27, 2006 (11:59 pm PST)
  * Notification:                       October 23, 2006
  * Final workshop notes submission:    November 10, 2006
  * Workshop:                           January 8th, 2007


Organizing Committee

David Traum (Chair)
Institute for Creative Technologies
University of Southern California
13274 Fiji Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90405 USA
tel: +1 (310) 574-5729
fax: +1 (310) 574-5725

Jan Alexandersson (Co-Chair)
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, DFKI GmbH
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
D-66 123 Saarbruecken
tel: +49-681-3025347
fax: +49-681-3025341

Arne Jonsson (Co-Chair)
Department of Computer and Information Science
Linkoping University
S-581 83 Linkoping, Sweden
tel: +46 13 281717
fax: +46 13 142231

Ingrid Zukerman (Co-Chair)
Faculty of Information technology
Monash University
Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia
tel: +61 3 9905-5202
fax: +61 3 9905-5146


Program Committee

Jens Allwood            Sweden
Elisabeth Andre         Germany
Johan Bos               Italy
Sandra Carberry         USA
Justine Cassell         USA
Joakim Gustafson        Sweden
Yasuhiro Katagiri       Japan
Susann Luperfoy         USA
Yosuke Matsusaka        Japan
Anton Nijholt           Netherlands
Tim Paek                USA
Candace Sidner          USA
Ipke Wachsmuth          Germany

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