This patch adding ANSI terminal bootmenu command. It is extension to generic
menu which provide output for ANSI terminals.

Signed-off-by: Pali Rohár <>
Changes in v2:
  - Added commit message
  - Removed bootmenu from include/config_cmd_all.h
  - Moved ANSI escape codes from include/common.h to include/ansi.h
  - Fixed style and indentation problems
  - Use mdelay instead udelay
  - Removed autoboot delay message when some key is pressed

 common/Makefile       |    1 +
 common/cmd_bootmenu.c |  471 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 doc/README.bootmenu   |   61 +++++++
 include/ansi.h        |   42 +++++
 4 files changed, 575 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 common/cmd_bootmenu.c
 create mode 100644 doc/README.bootmenu
 create mode 100644 include/ansi.h

diff --git a/common/Makefile b/common/Makefile
index a4eb477..1435992 100644
--- a/common/Makefile
+++ b/common/Makefile
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ COBJS-$(CONFIG_CMD_SOURCE) += cmd_source.o
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_CMD_BDI) += cmd_bdinfo.o
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_CMD_BEDBUG) += bedbug.o cmd_bedbug.o
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_CMD_BMP) += cmd_bmp.o
+COBJS-$(CONFIG_CMD_BOOTMENU) += cmd_bootmenu.o
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_CMD_BOOTLDR) += cmd_bootldr.o
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_CMD_CACHE) += cmd_cache.o
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_CMD_CONSOLE) += cmd_console.o
diff --git a/common/cmd_bootmenu.c b/common/cmd_bootmenu.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..908e13f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/cmd_bootmenu.c
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2011-2012 Pali Rohár <>
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <command.h>
+#include <ansi.h>
+#include <menu.h>
+#include <hush.h>
+#include <watchdog.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+struct bootmenu_entry {
+       int num;                        /* unique number 0..99 */
+       char key[3];                    /* key idetifier of number */
+       char *title;                    /* title of entry */
+       char *command;                  /* hush command of entry */
+       struct bootmenu_data *menu;     /* this bootmenu */
+       struct bootmenu_entry *next;    /* next menu entry (num+1) */
+struct bootmenu_data {
+       int delay;                      /* delay for autoboot */
+       int active;                     /* active menu entry */
+       int count;                      /* total count of menu entries */
+       struct bootmenu_entry *first;   /* first menu entry */
+static char *bootmenu_getoption(int n)
+       char name[] = "bootmenu_\0\0";
+       if (n < 0 || n > 99)
+               return NULL;
+       sprintf(name+9, "%d", n);
+       return getenv(name);
+static void bootmenu_print_entry(void *data)
+       struct bootmenu_entry *entry = data;
+       int reverse = (entry->menu->active == entry->num);
+       /*
+        * Move cursor to line where entry will be drown (entry->num)
+        * First 3 lines contains Bootmenu header + 1 empty line
+        */
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, entry->num + 4, 1);
+       if (reverse)
+               puts(ANSI_COLOR_REVERSE);
+       puts("     ");
+       puts(entry->title);
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE_TO_END);
+       if (reverse)
+               puts(ANSI_COLOR_RESET);
+static char *bootmenu_choice_entry(void *data)
+       struct bootmenu_data *menu = data;
+       int i;
+       int key = 0; /* 0 - NONE, 1 - UP, 2 - DOWN, 3 - SELECT */
+       int esc = 0;
+       while (1) {
+               /* Autoboot was not stopped */
+               if (menu->delay >= 0) {
+                       if (menu->delay > 0) {
+                               printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, menu->count+5, 1);
+                               printf("  Hit any key to stop autoboot: %2d ",
+                                       menu->delay);
+                       }
+                       while (menu->delay > 0) {
+                               for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
+                                       if (!tstc()) {
+                                               WATCHDOG_RESET();
+                                               mdelay(10);
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       menu->delay = -1;
+                                       key = getc();
+                                       if (key == '\e') {
+                                               esc = 1;
+                                               key = 0;
+                                       } else if (key == '\r')
+                                               key = 3;
+                                       else
+                                               key = 0;
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                               if (menu->delay < 0)
+                                       break;
+                               --menu->delay;
+                               printf("\b\b\b%2d ", menu->delay);
+                       }
+                       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, menu->count+5, 1);
+                       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE);
+                       if (menu->delay == 0)
+                               key = 3;
+               /* Some key was pressed, so autoboot was stopped */
+               } else {
+                       while (!tstc()) {
+                               WATCHDOG_RESET();
+                               mdelay(10);
+                       }
+                       key = getc();
+                       if (esc == 0) {
+                               /* Start of ANSI escape sequence */
+                               if (key == '\e') {
+                                       esc = 1;
+                                       key = 0;
+                               }
+                       } else if (esc == 1) {
+                               if (key == '[') {
+                                       esc = 2;
+                                       key = 0;
+                               } else
+                                       esc = 0;
+                       } else if (esc == 2 || esc == 3) {
+                               if (esc == 2 && key == '1') {
+                                       esc = 3;
+                                       key = 0;
+                               } else
+                                       esc = 0;
+                               /* key up was pressed */
+                               if (key == 'A')
+                                       key = 1;
+                               /* key down was pressed */
+                               else if (key == 'B')
+                                       key = 2;
+                               /* other key was pressed */
+                               else
+                                       key = 0;
+                       }
+                       /* enter key was pressed */
+                       if (key == '\r')
+                               key = 3;
+               }
+               /* key up */
+               if (key == 1) {
+                       if (menu->active > 0)
+                               --menu->active;
+                       return ""; /* invalid menu entry, regenerate menu */
+               /* key down */
+               } else if (key == 2) {
+                       if (menu->active < menu->count-1)
+                               ++menu->active;
+                       return ""; /* invalid menu entry, regenerate menu */
+               /* enter */
+               } else if (key == 3) {
+                       int i;
+                       struct bootmenu_entry *iter = menu->first;
+                       for (i = 0; i < menu->active; ++i)
+                               iter = iter->next;
+                       return iter->key;
+               }
+       }
+       /* never happends */
+       debug("bootmenu: this should not happen");
+       return NULL;
+static struct bootmenu_data *bootmenu_create(int delay)
+       int i = 0;
+       const char *option;
+       struct bootmenu_data *menu;
+       struct bootmenu_entry *iter = NULL;
+       int len;
+       char *sep;
+       struct bootmenu_entry *entry;
+       menu = malloc(sizeof(struct bootmenu_data));
+       if (!menu)
+               return NULL;
+       menu->delay = delay;
+       menu->active = 0;
+       menu->first = NULL;
+       while ((option = bootmenu_getoption(i))) {
+               sep = strchr(option, '=');
+               if (!sep)
+                       break;
+               entry = malloc(sizeof(struct bootmenu_entry));
+               if (!entry)
+                       goto cleanup;
+               len = sep-option;
+               entry->title = malloc(len+1);
+               if (!entry->title) {
+                       free(entry);
+                       goto cleanup;
+               }
+               memcpy(entry->title, option, len);
+               entry->title[len] = 0;
+               len = strlen(sep+1);
+               entry->command = malloc(len+1);
+               if (!entry->command) {
+                       free(entry->title);
+                       free(entry);
+                       goto cleanup;
+               }
+               memcpy(entry->command, sep+1, len);
+               entry->command[len] = 0;
+               sprintf(entry->key, "%d", i);
+               entry->num = i;
+               entry->menu = menu;
+               entry->next = NULL;
+               if (!iter)
+                       menu->first = entry;
+               else
+                       iter->next = entry;
+               iter = entry;
+               ++i;
+               if (i >= 100)
+                       break;
+       }
+       /* Add U-Boot console entry at the end */
+       if (i < 100) {
+               entry = malloc(sizeof(struct bootmenu_entry));
+               if (!entry)
+                       goto cleanup;
+               entry->title = strdup("U-Boot console");
+               if (!entry->title) {
+                       free(entry);
+                       goto cleanup;
+               }
+               entry->command = strdup("");
+               if (!entry->command) {
+                       free(entry->title);
+                       free(entry);
+                       goto cleanup;
+               }
+               entry->num = i;
+               entry->menu = menu;
+               entry->next = NULL;
+               if (!iter)
+                       menu->first = entry;
+               else
+                       iter->next = entry;
+               iter = entry;
+               ++i;
+       }
+       menu->count = i;
+       return menu;
+       iter = menu->first;
+       while (iter) {
+               entry = iter->next;
+               free(iter->title);
+               free(iter->command);
+               free(iter);
+               iter = entry;
+       }
+       free(menu);
+       return NULL;
+static void bootmenu_destroy(struct bootmenu_data *menu)
+       struct bootmenu_entry *iter = menu->first;
+       struct bootmenu_entry *next;
+       while (iter) {
+               next = iter->next;
+               free(iter->title);
+               free(iter->command);
+               free(iter);
+               iter = next;
+       }
+       free(menu);
+static void bootmenu_show(int delay)
+       int init = 0;
+       void *choice = NULL;
+       char *title = NULL;
+       char *command = NULL;
+       struct menu *menu;
+       struct bootmenu_data *bootmenu;
+       struct bootmenu_entry *iter;
+       char *option, *sep;
+       /* If delay is 0 do not create menu, just run first entry */
+       if (delay == 0) {
+               option = bootmenu_getoption(0);
+               if (!option)
+                       return;
+               sep = strchr(option, '=');
+               if (!sep)
+                       return;
+               run_command(sep+1, 0);
+               return;
+       }
+       bootmenu = bootmenu_create(delay);
+       if (!bootmenu)
+               return;
+       menu = menu_create(NULL, bootmenu->delay, (bootmenu->delay >= 0),
+                       bootmenu_print_entry, bootmenu_choice_entry, bootmenu);
+       if (!menu)
+               return;
+       for (iter = bootmenu->first; iter; iter = iter->next)
+               if (!menu_item_add(menu, iter->key, iter))
+                       goto cleanup;
+       /* Default menu entry is always first */
+       menu_default_set(menu, "0");
+       puts(ANSI_CURSOR_HIDE);
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_CONSOLE);
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 1, 1);
+       init = 1;
+       if (menu_get_choice(menu, &choice)) {
+               iter = choice;
+               title = strdup(iter->title);
+               command = strdup(iter->command);
+       }
+       menu_destroy(menu);
+       bootmenu_destroy(bootmenu);
+       if (init) {
+               puts(ANSI_CURSOR_SHOW);
+               puts(ANSI_CLEAR_CONSOLE);
+               printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 1, 1);
+       }
+       if (title && command) {
+               printf("Starting entry '%s'\n", title);
+               free(title);
+               run_command(command, 0);
+               free(command);
+       }
+       run_command(CONFIG_POSTBOOTMENU, 0);
+void menu_display_statusline(void *data)
+       struct bootmenu_data *menu = data;
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 1, 1);
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE);
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 2, 1);
+       puts("  *** U-Boot BOOT MENU ***");
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE_TO_END);
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 3, 1);
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE);
+       /* First 3 lines are bootmenu header + 2 empty lines between entries */
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, menu->count + 5, 1);
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE);
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, menu->count + 6, 1);
+       puts("  Press UP/DOWN to move, ENTER to select");
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE_TO_END);
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, menu->count + 7, 1);
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE);
+int menu_show(int bootdelay)
+       bootmenu_show(bootdelay);
+       return -1; /* -1 - abort boot and run monitor code */
+int do_bootmenu(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *const argv[])
+       char *delay_str = NULL;
+       int delay = 10;
+       if (argc >= 2)
+               delay_str = argv[1];
+       if (!delay_str)
+               delay_str = getenv("bootmenu_delay");
+       if (delay_str)
+               delay = (int)simple_strtol(delay_str, NULL, 10);
+       bootmenu_show(delay);
+       return 0;
+       bootmenu, 2, 1, do_bootmenu,
+       "ANSI terminal bootmenu",
+       "[delay]\n"
+       "    - show ANSI terminal bootmenu with autoboot delay (default 10s)"
diff --git a/doc/README.bootmenu b/doc/README.bootmenu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69ef93b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/README.bootmenu
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2011-2012 Pali Rohár <>
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+This is ANSI terminal BootMenu command. It is extension to generic menu,
+which provide output for ANSI terminals.
+Configuration is done via env variables bootmenu_delay and bootmenu_<num>:
+  bootmenu_delay=<delay>
+  bootmenu_<num>="<title>=<commands>"
+  (title and commands are separated by first char '=')
+  <delay> is delay in seconds of autobooting first entry
+  <num> is boot menu entry, starting from zero
+  <title> is text shown in boot screen
+  <commands> are commands which will be executed when menu entry is selected
+First argument of bootmenu command override bootmenu_delay env
+If env bootmenu_delay or bootmenu arg is not specified, delay is 10 seconds
+If delay is 0, no entry will be shown on screen and first will be called
+If delay is less then 0, no autoboot delay will be used
+Boot Menu will stop finding next menu entry if last was not defined
+Boot Menu always add menu entry "U-Boot console" at end of all entries
+Example using:
+  setenv bootmenu_0 Boot 1. kernel=bootm 0x82000000  # Set first menu entry
+  setenv bootmenu_1 Boot 2. kernel=bootm 0x83000000  # Set second menu entry
+  setenv bootmenu_2 Reset board=reset                # Set third menu entry
+  setenv bootmenu_3 U-Boot boot order=boot           # Set fourth menu entry
+  setenv bootmenu_4  # Empty string is end of all bootmenu entries
+  bootmenu 20        # Run bootmenu with autoboot delay 20s
+To enable ANSI bootmenu comamnd add these definitions to board code:
+  #define CONFIG_BOOTDELAY 30
+  #define CONFIG_MENU
diff --git a/include/ansi.h b/include/ansi.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e40b1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/ansi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2012
+ * Pali Rohár <>
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+ * ANSI terminal
+ */
+#define ANSI_CURSOR_UP                 "\e[%dA"
+#define ANSI_CURSOR_DOWN               "\e[%dB"
+#define ANSI_CURSOR_FORWARD            "\e[%dC"
+#define ANSI_CURSOR_BACK               "\e[%dD"
+#define ANSI_CURSOR_NEXTLINE           "\e[%dE"
+#define ANSI_CURSOR_PREVIOUSLINE       "\e[%dF"
+#define ANSI_CURSOR_COLUMN             "\e[%dG"
+#define ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION           "\e[%d;%dH"
+#define ANSI_CURSOR_SHOW               "\e[?25h"
+#define ANSI_CURSOR_HIDE               "\e[?25l"
+#define ANSI_CLEAR_CONSOLE             "\e[2J"
+#define ANSI_CLEAR_LINE_TO_END         "\e[0K"
+#define ANSI_CLEAR_LINE                        "\e[2K"
+#define ANSI_COLOR_RESET               "\e[0m"
+#define ANSI_COLOR_REVERSE             "\e[7m"

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