On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Andreas Bießmann <
andreas.de...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Dear Dimax,
> please do not TOFU.

Sorry don't know what you mean?

> On 29.10.2012 09:50, Dimax wrote:
> > Hi,
> > What if I compile a new u-boot but to try it I will load and flash new
> > created image after original u-boot and will run it from withing
> > original reboot manually just pointing a new image address? Can it work?

I'm not going to run new-u-boot from RAM. I will flash it. Can I ask
original u-boot to JMP to a flash address and run a new-u-boot from where?

I once debricked SheevaPlug with USB stick. Have to recall how it was done.
But as far as I remember I've found it in the internet so it should be
still where. I understand that I first have to make sure I can debrick my
board before I start playing with u-boot.

I also want to look back at my original problem of non-recovered UBIFS.
Want to make sure my effort will not be useless.
Let's say I've increased the memory allocation size. But are you sure
u-boot implementation of ubifs really can recover partitions just like
original Linux driver does? Is it implemented at all?
If yes I have another doubt. In one forum I've read that u-boot treats
UBIFS partition as read only (while it actually is rw for Linux). And thus
u-boot does not even try to take any action that required writes.
What you think?

> well, you mean to run a u-boot out of a running u-boot?
> U-Boot is not designed to do so. But some devices may allow you to just
> run a newer u-boot from a running one (at91;). You need to know that
> u-boot set up your SDRAM timings which destroys the content of the DRAM.
> So if your new u-boot is located there it can not be executed.
> I dunno if the kirkwood can do so, but I think they can not. You will need
> a) a JTAG
> b) another boot device, for example USB, MMC, whichever device the
> kirwood SoC can read from its ROM code (I do not know)
> to de-brick it.
> Please ask some kirkwood specialist or google, there are a lot of
> sheevaplug hackers out there, one of them may be able to help you here.
> Best regards
> Andreas Bießmann
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