Hi Stefano, Tom,

Any thoughts or ideas for this patch series?

> PMIC framework has been redesigned to support multiple instances of
> power related devices (e.g. fuel gauge, PMICs, chargers, micro USB
> IC, battery).
> Due to that, code at other architectures and boards have been
> adjusted properly.
> New power_init_board() method at ./lib/board.c file has been
> introduced. It is meant to be an architecture dependent function to
> support advanced power management. Since PMIC framework uses lists
> internally to link different devices, its initialization must be done
> just after malloc initialization.
> Please consider commits from this patch set as the example of
> advanced power management for a particular HW (Trats board in this
> case).
> In the new approach PMICs are selected with their names (e.g. 'pmic
> dump MAX8997_PMIC') Presented patch set is a first step to change
> 'pmic' command to more generic (i.e. power) to provide control for
> multiple devices.
> Moreover device's battery is treated as an oridinary "power" device
> (like PMIC). Due to that, framework unification is possible. 
> For even more versalite design, each power device instance can
> specify its parent.
> For trats one can build a following scheme (it can de different for
> other boards): -----------------
>               --------| BAT           |------------
>               |       |               |           |
>               |       -----------------           |
>               |               |                   |
>              \|/             \|/                 \|/
>       -----------     -----------------       ---------
>       |FG
> |     |MUIC           |       |CHRG   | |
> |     |               |       |       |
> -----------   -----------------       ---------
> Finally, this patch series also comprises of a "namespace" cleanup -
> an attempt to rename "pmic" to "power" to better reflect generality
> of this framework.
> Test HW:
>  - Exynos4210 Trats development board

Best regards,

Lukasz Majewski

Samsung Poland R&D Center | Linux Platform Group
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