
I am trying to configure u-boot-2012.07 for the Colibri PXA270 board from Toradex. I have configured it using the config file shipped within u-boot, compiled it and got it running. My problem is that it takes about 3 seconds till the first output on the serial port. I have tried to #undef all the command that are not needed but the time win was only about ~0.2sec. Could you please give me some hint show could I do it to be faster? I have used an earlier version of u-boot (2010.09) too, and I got it to show a splash screen within 1 sec. Why is the newer version so much slower?
Another question:
I was using the 2010.09 version of u-boot with a display with 16bpp (5r6g5b). Now I have one with 18bpp (6r6g6b). How should I setup the lcd (in pxafb.c) to get it working?
Thank you for your help!

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