Dear Tom,

In message <20121015153045.GA25082@bill-the-cat> you wrote:
> U-Boot v2012.10 has been released and uploaded to git.  I expect to see
> it on the ftp server soon.


> I don't have Wolfgang's stats tools, so I hope he is able to reply to
> this message with that kind of information soon.  In lieu of that,
> looking over the git log I see:

Here is the usual statistics (see also [1]):

Changes since release v2012.07:

Processed 925 csets from 135 developers
22 employers found
A total of 88011 lines added, 36373 removed (delta 51638)

Developers with the most changesets
Benoît Thébaudeau           69 (7.5%)
Tom Rini                    66 (7.1%)
Marek Vasut                 51 (5.5%)
Troy Kisky                  31 (3.4%)
Joe Hershberger             30 (3.2%)
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu           30 (3.2%)
Stephen Warren              28 (3.0%)
Michal Simek                27 (2.9%)
Otavio Salvador             26 (2.8%)
Stefano Babic               20 (2.2%)

Developers with the most changed lines
Charles Manning           13828 (13.8%)
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu         9443 (9.4%)
Uma Shankar               5463 (5.4%)
Jorgen Lundman            4750 (4.7%)
Lei Wen                   3816 (3.8%)
Donghwa Lee               3597 (3.6%)
Marek Vasut               3186 (3.2%)
Wolfgang Denk             3185 (3.2%)
Rajeshwari Shinde         2433 (2.4%)
Mathieu J. Poirier        2179 (2.2%)

Developers with the most lines removed
Wolfgang Denk             2612 (7.2%)
Timur Tabi                1845 (5.1%)
Rob Herring               1394 (3.8%)
Mike Frysinger             338 (0.9%)
Marek Vasut                129 (0.4%)
Fabio Estevam               90 (0.2%)
Matt Sealey                 53 (0.1%)
Linus Walleij               45 (0.1%)
Kaspter Ju                  29 (0.1%)
Vikram Narayanan            14 (0.0%)

Developers with the most signoffs (total 369)
Andy Fleming                70 (19.0%)
Tom Warren                  31 (8.4%)
Kyungmin Park               28 (7.6%)
Andreas Bießmann            27 (7.3%)
Minkyu Kang                 24 (6.5%)
Tom Rini                    21 (5.7%)
Scott Wood                  18 (4.9%)
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu           15 (4.1%)
John Rigby                  10 (2.7%)
Mike Frysinger               9 (2.4%)

Developers with the most reviews (total 15)
Marek Vasut                 14 (93.3%)
Matthew Gerlach              1 (6.7%)

Developers with the most test credits (total 51)
Thierry Reding              14 (27.5%)
Christian Riesch            12 (23.5%)
Fabio Estevam                3 (5.9%)
Michal Simek                 2 (3.9%)
Albert ARIBAUD               2 (3.9%)
Sughosh Ganu                 2 (3.9%)
Stefano Babic                2 (3.9%)
Allen Martin                 2 (3.9%)
Andreas Bießmann             1 (2.0%)
Tom Rini                     1 (2.0%)

Developers who gave the most tested-by credits (total 51)
Allen Martin                14 (27.5%)
Prabhakar Lad                7 (13.7%)
Mikhail Kshevetskiy          4 (7.8%)
Tom Rini                     3 (5.9%)
Luka Perkov                  3 (5.9%)
Stefano Babic                2 (3.9%)
Marek Vasut                  2 (3.9%)
Rajashekhara, Sudhakar       2 (3.9%)
Stefan Roese                 2 (3.9%)
Anatolij Gustschin           2 (3.9%)

Developers with the most report credits (total 8)
Albert ARIBAUD               3 (37.5%)
Prabhakar Lad                2 (25.0%)
Igor Grinberg                1 (12.5%)
Rafael Beims                 1 (12.5%)
James Miller                 1 (12.5%)

Developers who gave the most report credits (total 8)
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu            2 (25.0%)
Stephen Warren               2 (25.0%)
Marek Vasut                  1 (12.5%)
Anatolij Gustschin           1 (12.5%)
Matthieu CASTET              1 (12.5%)
Joe Hershberger              1 (12.5%)

Top changeset contributors by employer
(Unknown)                  392 (42.4%)
Freescale                   92 (9.9%)
DENX Software Engineering   92 (9.9%)
Texas Instruments           83 (9.0%)
Samsung                     49 (5.3%)
NVidia                      46 (5.0%)
Renesas Technology          37 (4.0%)
Boundary Devices            33 (3.6%)
Keymile                     32 (3.5%)
Atmel                       19 (2.1%)

Top lines changed by employer
(Unknown)                 43590 (43.3%)
Samsung                   13459 (13.4%)
DENX Software Engineering 12210 (12.1%)
Renesas Technology        10389 (10.3%)
Freescale                  6846 (6.8%)
Texas Instruments          3515 (3.5%)
NVidia                     3482 (3.5%)
Atmel                      2053 (2.0%)
Keymile                    1451 (1.4%)
Boundary Devices           1178 (1.2%)

Employers with the most signoffs (total 369)
Freescale                  104 (28.2%)
Samsung                     72 (19.5%)
(Unknown)                   65 (17.6%)
Texas Instruments           41 (11.1%)
NVidia                      31 (8.4%)
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu           14 (3.8%)
DENX Software Engineering   11 (3.0%)
Analog Devices               9 (2.4%)
Renesas Technology           4 (1.1%)
Keymile                      4 (1.1%)

Employers with the most hackers (total 138)
(Unknown)                   73 (52.9%)
Freescale                   15 (10.9%)
Texas Instruments            9 (6.5%)
DENX Software Engineering    8 (5.8%)
Samsung                      5 (3.6%)
NVidia                       4 (2.9%)
Renesas Technology           3 (2.2%)
Keymile                      3 (2.2%)
Atmel                        3 (2.2%)
CompuLab                     2 (1.4%)


> Thanks for all of your hard work everyone!

Special thanks to you, Tom!  You did a marvelous job with this
release, much better than I could have done it - not only in my
current situation, but also as it was before.  I'm happy to see this
project in the state it is - carried on and driven forward by such a
fantastic community.  You all are just great.  Many thanks to all of

Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

DENX Software Engineering GmbH,     MD: Wolfgang Denk & Detlev Zundel
HRB 165235 Munich, Office: Kirchenstr.5, D-82194 Groebenzell, Germany
Phone: (+49)-8142-66989-10 Fax: (+49)-8142-66989-80 Email:
Shakespeare's Law of Prototyping: (Hamlet III, iv, 156-160)
        O, throw away the worser part of it,
        And live the purer with the other half.
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