
> From: Xiangfu <>
>   The JZ4740 CPU can load 8KB from two different addresses:
>    1. the normal area up to 8KB starting from NAND flash address 0x00000000
>    2. the backup area up to 8KB starting from NAND flash address 0x00002000
>   After create u-boot-spl.bin. it needs those 4 commands create final image
> for jz4740 cpu. ~~~~
>     dd if=spl/u-boot-spl.bin of=u-boot-nand.bin conv=sync bs=8192 count=1
>     dd if=spl/u-boot-spl.bin of=u-boot-nand.bin conv=sync,notrunc
> oflag=append bs=8192 count=1 tr '\0' '\377' < /dev/zero | dd
> of=u-boot-nand.bin conv=sync,notrunc oflag=append bs=16384 count=1 cat
> u-boot-nand.bin u-boot.bin > u-boot-nand-final.bin
>   ~~~~

Can you not do this in the linker script? Or implement CPU-specific build 
that does this?


Best regards,
Marek Vasut
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