From: James Miller <>

Output a progress update only at most 10 times per second, to avoid
saturating (and waiting on) the console. Make the summary line
to fit on a single line. Make sure that cursor sits at the end of
each update line instead of the beginning.

Sample output:

SF: Detected W25Q32 with page size 4 KiB, total 4 MiB
Update SPI
1331200 bytes written, 2863104 bytes skipped in 21.912s, speed 199728 B/s

time: 21.919 seconds, 21919 ticks
Skipping verify

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>
Signed-off-by: James Miller <>
Signed-off-by: Taylor Hutt <>
 common/cmd_sf.c |   41 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/common/cmd_sf.c b/common/cmd_sf.c
index 5ac1d0c..e22a45e 100644
--- a/common/cmd_sf.c
+++ b/common/cmd_sf.c
@@ -67,6 +67,23 @@ static int sf_parse_len_arg(char *arg, ulong *len)
        return 1;
+ * This function takes a byte length and a delta unit of time to compute the
+ * approximate bytes per second
+ *
+ * @param len          amount of bytes currently processed
+ * @param start_ms     start time of processing in ms
+ * @return bytes per second if OK, 0 on error
+ */
+static const ulong bytes_per_second(unsigned int len, ulong start_ms)
+       /* less accurate but avoids overflow */
+       if (len >= ((unsigned int) -1) / 1024)
+               return len / (max(get_timer(start_ms) / 1024, 1));
+       else
+               return 1024 * len / max(get_timer(start_ms), 1);
 static int do_spi_flash_probe(int argc, char * const argv[])
        unsigned int bus = CONFIG_SF_DEFAULT_BUS;
@@ -167,11 +184,26 @@ static int spi_flash_update(struct spi_flash *flash, u32 
        const char *end = buf + len;
        size_t todo;            /* number of bytes to do in this pass */
        size_t skipped = 0;     /* statistics */
+       const ulong start_time = get_timer(0);
+       size_t scale = 1;
+       const char *start_buf = buf;
+       ulong delta;
+       if (end - buf >= 200)
+               scale = (end - buf) / 100;
        cmp_buf = malloc(flash->sector_size);
        if (cmp_buf) {
+               ulong last_update = get_timer(0);
                for (; buf < end && !err_oper; buf += todo, offset += todo) {
                        todo = min(end - buf, flash->sector_size);
+                       if (get_timer(last_update) > 100) {
+                               printf("   \rUpdating, %zu%% %lu B/s",
+                                       100 - (end - buf) / scale,
+                                       bytes_per_second(buf - start_buf,
+                                                        start_time));
+                               last_update = get_timer(0);
+                       }
                        err_oper = spi_flash_update_block(flash, offset, todo,
                                        buf, cmp_buf, &skipped);
@@ -179,12 +211,17 @@ static int spi_flash_update(struct spi_flash *flash, u32 
                err_oper = "malloc";
+       putc('\r');
        if (err_oper) {
                printf("SPI flash failed in %s step\n", err_oper);
                return 1;
-       printf("%zu bytes written, %zu bytes skipped\n", len - skipped,
-              skipped);
+       delta = get_timer(start_time);
+       printf("%zu bytes written, %zu bytes skipped", len - skipped,
+               skipped);
+       printf(" in %ld.%lds, speed %ld B/s\n",
+               delta / 1000, delta % 1000, bytes_per_second(len, start_time));
        return 0;

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