On Sep 19, 2012, at 10:28 AM, Robert Thorhuus wrote:

> Hello!
> I'm having problem with my U-Boot for a PowerPC system. I think the root 
> cause is that the function get_effective_memsize() (in file 
> arch/powerpc/lib/board.c) returns 0.
> ulong get_effective_memsize(void)
> {
> #ifndef       CONFIG_VERY_BIG_RAM
>       return gd->ram_size;
> #else
>       /* limit stack to what we can reasonable map */
>       return ((gd->ram_size > CONFIG_MAX_MEM_MAPPED) ?
>               CONFIG_MAX_MEM_MAPPED : gd->ram_size);
> #endif
> }
> Since the system have 24GB of RAM I have fiddled around so both 
> CONFIG_MAX_MEM_MAPPED is actually 24GB and also gd->ram_size is 24GB.
> Is it just me who have completely missed how U-Boot works or what?

What kinda of PPC system is this?

You probably don't want to change CONFIG_MAX_MEM_MAPPED.  The idea is this is 
how much of your 24GB is directly accessible by u-boot.  For large mem systems 
this is usually 2GB.

- k 
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