I just noticed this mail today, sorry for the late reply. Thanks
Henrik for introducing this in the u-boot mail list.

I am Tom Cubie, a former engineer at Allwinner. Allwinner Tech is a
5-years-old Chinese company making low cost ARM soc.

I joined Allwinner last year, and have been working on the Linux BSP,
U-boot and some device drivers. To help speed up development and
improve resource usage i suggested that we Allwinner should open
source and work with the open source community as it is the fastest
way for Allwinner engineer to
learn and get feedback. At that time the EOMA project announced that
they will make computer-on-module using allwinner A10 chip. I have
been trying to advocate the benefits of open source within the company
since then.

The community's work are based on a number of source releases by both
Allwinner and their customers. Though there are source code public. i
feel that there are not many developers (like Henrik) on Allwinner

I think one reason is no good hardware to work on it and also the lack
of documents. So my colleagues and i, we made the cubieboard
(cubieboard.org), a low cost board based on A10. Hope that we can
improve the FOSS on Allwinner platform. Because of family reasons I
recently quit my job at Allwinner and decide to run cubieboard project
fulltime while still get support from my former colleagues. If there
are developers in the mail list interested in hacking the board,
welcome. We offer special orders to developers.
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