On 09/12/2012 12:00 AM, Lukasz Majewski wrote:
> Hi Stephen, Tom,
>> Rob's series depends on Wolfgang(?)'s u-boot/ext4 branch at present.
>> I'm not sure what the status of that branch is right now - is it
>> something that's ready to be submitted, or is more work there needed,
>> so the branch won't be pulled into u-boot/master in the near future?
>> I'm mainly asking so Rob and I know if Rob's patches should be
>> rebased first onto something else, before I rebase my patches on his.
>> Thanks.
> I'd also like to know if those patches will be accepted soon. I'm
> working on a GPT restoration support and those patches might be a
> pre-requisite for my development (if were pulled into u-boot/master).

In short, yes, merged to master.  In longer form, please see the other
email I just sent in this thread.


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