Hi, Iwamatsu-san

I managed to work i2c on KZM-A9-GT board. Now "i2c md" and "i2c mw" for i2c 
channel 0 work properly.
I think this modification is common for R-mobile, but I have SH73A0 document 
only. Iwamatu-san, plese review this.

This patch set is based on arm/rmobile branch of u-boot-sh.git.

Tetsuyuki Kobayashi (3):
  i2c: sh_i2c.c: support iccl and icch extension
  i2c: sh_i2c.c: correct BUSY bit define in ICSR
  i2c: sh_i2c.c: adjust for SH73A0

 drivers/i2c/sh_i2c.c    |   38 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 include/configs/kzm9g.h |    2 +-
 2 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)


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