On 08/13/2012 01:10 PM, Matthew McClintock wrote:
> This change reduces the SPL size by removing the redundant syncs produced
> by out_be32 and just replies on one final sync
> Done with:
> sed -r '/in_be32/b; s/(out_be32)\(([^,]*),\s+(.*)\)/__raw_writel(\3, \2)/g' 
> -i `git grep --name-only sdram_init nand_spl/`
> Signed-off-by: Matthew McClintock <m...@freescale.com>
> ---
>  nand_spl/board/freescale/p1010rdb/nand_boot.c     |   54 
> ++++++++++-----------
>  nand_spl/board/freescale/p1023rds/nand_boot.c     |   42 ++++++++--------
>  nand_spl/board/freescale/p1_p2_rdb_pc/nand_boot.c |   48 +++++++++---------
>  3 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)

This should come first if the other patches break without it, to
preserve bisectability.

Note that I'm going to try to convert this stuff (at least one board as
an example, but hopefully it should be easy enough to do additional
boards once the first is done) to the new spl Really Soon Now(tm), so it
doesn't make much sense to fiddle around with the old stuff right now
unless I miss the merge window.  I'll incorporate these changes into the
new-spl version.  I may do that by applying these patches first, but I'd
rather they not go via the mpc85xx tree (and please CC me on NAND patches).


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