Does that imply the possibility that a ZFS driver might one day get
added to the Linux kernel proper?

ZOL already exists and runs very well. But it should be noted that the license prohibits the *distribution* of Linux with ZFS. Which is why it is a separate kernel module. Read more about license on the ZOL pages from people who know more about it than I.

So *I* don't think we will see a kernel with ZFS already in it, but you can already "apt-get install zfs" for many distributions. I use initrd to load ZFS then boot my pool.

However, that is a separate issue here, since ZOL is based on the Solaris kernel sources, which are CDDL.

GRUB ZFS "booting" sources are based on the GRUB GPL sources, provided by Sun to GRUB.

They are very stripped down, and can only read files, on single/mirror. No RAIDZ etc logic was released as GPL, so GRUB sources can not boot from those volumes (a limitation from day one).

I did notice that Illumos (OpenIndiana) have work started on extending GRUB boot, and ZFS crypto. But that is currently futureware.


Jorgen Lundman       | <>
Unix Administrator   | +81 (0)3 -5456-2687 ext 1017 (work)
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo    | +81 (0)90-5578-8500          (cell)
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