On Mon, May 07, 2012 at 10:49:21PM -0400, Matt Porter wrote:

> In warm reset conditions on OMAP36xx/AM/DM37xx the rom code
> incorrectly sets the DPLL4 clock input divider to /6.5 which
> is an invalid value unless the input clock is 13MHz. When a JTAG
> emulator is attached, a warm reset is necessary after the emulator
> gains control of the process. This results in a loss of serial
> output due to the invalid DPLL4 settings.
> This patch fixes the issue by resetting the DPLL4 clock input
> divider to /1 when the input clock is not 13MHz. AM/DM37x TRM
> section specifies that the /6.5 setting is only
> used when the input clock is 13MHz.
> Signed-off-by: Matt Porter <mpor...@ti.com>

Applied to u-boot-ti/master, thanks.

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