Dear Wolfgang Denk,

> Dear Marek Vasut,
> In message <> you wrote:
> > > -         "env import -t $loadaddr $filesize\0" \
> > > +         "env import -t -r $loadaddr $filesize\0" \
> > 
> > Not everyone importing env on beagle use broken tools ;-)
> It's not a problem of using broken tools - the problem is of ignorant
> people _not_ using decade old, working tools like dos2unix if they
> need them.

tr -d '\r' won't work? :-)

> As I mentionewd a coule of times before, I am seriously tempted to
> ignore this "problem".

Can't the wincrap people be taught to use cygwin? Or possibly some Windows (R)
(C)(TM)(???) rebuilt version of tr -d '\r' ?

> On the other hand, we usually say we accept code if it helps some, and
> doesn't hurt others.  As is, the increase of code size is hurting.
> Best regards,
> Wolfgang Denk

Best regards,
Marek Vasut
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