Dear Wolfgang Denk,

> Dear Marek Vasut,
> In message <> you wrote:
> > > Yes, I think I can: don't use funny characters like these quotes
> > > around "arg_off_size" and "maxsize" in the commit messages.
> > 
> > Looking closer at it, it's not standard "'" quote character, what the
> > heck. But $LANG (and $LANGUAGE) is set to en_US.UTF8 . Damned, I'll try
> > to find the root cause, but I feel like overcomplicated KDE4 combined
> > with who-knows-what will win this battle :-/
> I don't know either how to set LC_MESSAGES or even LC_ALL or anything
> else to prevent gcc from issuing such characters; so I guess we have
> to maually filter/convert any such messages instead of just copy &
> paste error messages ...

Yes, I agree ... I'll keep my eyes peeled.

> Best regards,
> Wolfgang Denk

Best regards,
Marek Vasut
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