On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 1:38 AM, Albert ARIBAUD
<albert.u.b...@aribaud.net> wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> Not my main area of expertise here, but I am not sure how this plays on
> Marvell non-kirkwood platforms (e.g., orion5x).
> ISTR it is not the first time we deal with the whole IDE number of bus /
> number of ports [ / useable ports ] issue, and we may be running in circles
> here, fixing one platform and breaking another.

I, too, remember remember reading some discussions about changes to
that very line.

> I'll try this on EDMiniV2 in the coming days, and let people know the
> results in this thread.
> Amicalement,
> --
> Albert.

After further testing, I've found a possible (minor?) anomaly, but not
on a supported (official) Kirkwood device.  The device I tested it on
is a Seagate GoFlex Net (dual SATA).

The behavior I see is this:

With  Toshiba 160GB and Seagate 320GB hdd's in ports 0 and 1 (right &
left) respectively, I get perfect results.  I can access both drives
from U-Boot, and boot from both.

If I switch the drives around  (ie.  swap them) so the Toshiba is is
port 1 (left), I can no longer probe it.   It could very well be a
timing problem, or it could be simply a quirk that is simply
attributable to this hdd (which seems to check out completely

If I place _just_ the Seagate drive in port 1 (left), it is still
correctly recognized.  This is true whether it is the lone hdd, or if
another hdd is in port 0.

Just thought I'd let you know.  Maybe this is a _specific_ behavior
subset that you all can test on your respective boxes.

My feeling is that the patch is nevertheless still valid  -  for what
I've seen on Kirkwood, it is an improvement over the previous
situation.  Just my 2 cents.

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