
On Mon, 2012-01-09 at 08:50, Andrzej Pietrasiewicz wrote:
> Thank you for your review. As far as I remember this patch series
> was a "quick-and-dirty" attempt at splitting the implementation into
> parts so that Stefan Shmidt could continue his work with his own
> dfu backends.

Time run out for me on this project and I'm going to relocate to
another country for new job this months. In short I want have time to
work on this the next months.

Personally I'm still interested in this and may start working on it
when everything else settled down. Can not tell when this is though.
If anyone else wants to pick this up and push it forward that would be
more then welcome. A small patchset with my current state will follow
this mail.

Some words about it. As I don't have hardware which is working with
U-boot mainline and provides a UDC driver for the new gadget framework
I could not directly test your code. Having a DFU implementation for
both the old and the new gadget framework turned out to be more
trouble then expected. I split the nand backend part out, but it
still needs some fixing and especially testing.

For systems with old gadget framework UDC drivers, like the
beagleboard with musb, it might still be wise to use the original
version I posted earlier here for reference.

Lets hope someone, or maybe myself in some months, will pick this up
and finally bring it into mainline.

Stefan Schmidt
U-Boot mailing list

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