Hi Albert,

On 03/30/2012 09:08 AM, Albert ARIBAUD wrote:
> Le 27/03/2012 22:18, Albert ARIBAUD a écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> I have been away from the list quite a few days, and will have a very
>> tricky time catching up, so with my apologies, I ask people who need me
>> to apply patches or pull requests for the upcoming release to please
>> send me a private e-mail and point me to the list message that I should
>> be acting upon.
> FWIW, ./MAKEALL arm on current u-boot-arm/master with CS toolchain 2010q1 
> builds
> 277 boards, of which none has errors and 167 have warnings.
> The total count of warnings is 248, distributed as:
> 4    post.c:503: warning: #warning "Not implemented yet"

The 4 warnings come from our boards (Keymile ARM boards).

> The first one is obvious and should be dealt with, but I consider it not to 
> be a
> blocker, for only 4 boards.

I have just sent a patch that corrects this warning.


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