Hi all,

I am trying to use the NetConsole to configure the U-Boot and to send 
command to it. Everything works fine, but I also need to transfer files 
via TFTP. It looks like that is a problem and I hope the members of this 
mailing list can give me some answers and maybe solutions.

Is it possible to use NetConsole and TFTP parallel at one Ethernet 
interface? My fist thoughts were that this could be possible, because TFTP 
and NetConsole use different ports. But out of the box the behavior is 
different. In my tests TFTP tries to use another Ethernet interface 
(eTSEC1) as the NetConsole (eTSEC0), but the final Hardware has only one 
Ethernet and no serial interface. 
By the way, I tried the functionality with a second Ethernet interface and 
it also does not work. I see only less character at the NetConsole and it 
seems that the communication is going wrong and after a short time the 
communication is dead.

Therefore I need a possibility to communicate with a target (via 
NetConsole) and transfer the flash images (via TFTP). Has anybody 
experiences with this? Is this possible with U-Boot? Maybe I am doing 
something wrong?

Thank you for helping.

SICK AG - Sitz: Waldkirch i. Br. - Handelsregister: Freiburg i. Br. HRB 
Vorstand: Dr. Robert Bauer (Vorsitzender)  -  Reinhard Bösl  -  Markus 
Paschmann  -  Markus Vatter 
Aufsichtsrat: Gisela Sick (Ehrenvorsitzende) - Klaus M. Bukenberger 
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