This series of patches is needed to allow main-line U-Boot to be used
        with Freescale's Linux 2.6.38 non-DT kernel releases.

        These releases currently require at least the machine type and
        revision atag entries and are configured to load boot scripts from
        the ext3 filesystem.

        V2 just simplifies patch 2/3 to use CONFIG_MACH_TYPE instead of
        updating mach-types.h and filling things in during boot.

        Three new declarations in the board-specific header and one
        new routine in the board-specific file seem like a low cost
        to add a "U" (Universal) to main-line U-Boot.

        Eric Nelson (3):
          i.MX6: mx6q_sabrelite: add CONFIG_REVISION_TAG to allow use with
            Freescale kernels
          i.MX6: mx6qsabrelite: add MACH_TYPE_MX6Q_SABRELITE
          i.MX6: mx6qsabrelite: add ext2 support

         board/freescale/mx6qsabrelite/mx6qsabrelite.c |    7 +++++++
         include/configs/mx6qsabrelite.h               |    4 ++++
         2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)


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