On 03/03/2012 02:15 AM, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
Dear Eric Nelson,

In message<1330732824-15345-1-git-send-email-eric.nel...@boundarydevices.com>  
you wrote:
This patch adds support for the GPIO keyboard used on MX6Q SabreLite.

This is generally used for invoking Android "recovery mode" in
response to a long press of volume key down during boot.

This can be tested by a boot script like so:
     if keypress voldown&&  sleep 1&&  keypress voldown ; then
           echo "do recovery thing" ;

Key values can be seen by issuing keypress with no arguments:

I don't like introducing yet another way to handle key presses and
create menu like interfaces from this.

We already have two of these:

- We have the powerful and flexible method to map key preesses to
   envrionment variables which can in turn hold commands (variables
   "magic_keys" and "key_magic*") as used for example on the enbw_cmc,
   lwmon5, hmi1001, mucmc52, pcs440ep, r360mpi and mucmc52 boards.

- We have the menu system as implemented by common/menu.c etc.

Please use either of these, but don't invent a new one.  Thanks.

Thanks for the pointers. I'll rework accordingly.

Grepping the sources rarely results in this kind of insight.


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