On Thursday 01 March 2012 01:06:58 Will Khan wrote:
> When I look at u-boot.lds (in the main directory), it shows the incorrect
> path to start.o.  u-boot.lds is generated through the make all process. 
> When I manually fix the start.o pathname in u-boot.lds, everything builds
> fine.  My question is where and how is u-boot.lds generated?  I see where
> there is also a  u-boot.lds in arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc83xx/, with an explicit
> path to start.o, but this file seems to not do anything (I can modify the
> file or delete this specific u-boot.lds, and nothing happens -a new one is
> not created).

the top level u-boot.lds lacks a depend on the files that create it (known 
bug).  so you manually have to `rm` it in order for a new one to be generated.  
most likely the cpu subdir u-boot.lds is what is broken & needs fixing.

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