Dear Wolfgang,
On 19.01.2012 10:58, Wolfgang Grandegger wrote:
On 12/26/2011 08:34 AM, Dirk Behme wrote:
From: Jason Liu <>
Add the initial support for Freescale i.MX6Q Sabre Lite board
Signed-off-by: Dirk Behme <>
CC: Jason Liu <>
CC: Eric Nelson <>
Index: freescale-u-boot-imx.git/doc/README.mx6qsabrelite
--- /dev/null
+++ freescale-u-boot-imx.git/doc/README.mx6qsabrelite
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+U-Boot for the Freescale i.MX6q SabreLite board
+This file contains information for the port of U-Boot to the Freescale
+i.MX6q SabreLite board.
+1. Boot source, boot from SD card
+The recent mainline U-Boot for the Freescale i.MX6q SabreLite board supports
+boot from SD card only. However, by default, the early version of SabreLite
+boards boot from the SPI NOR flash. These boards need to be reflashed with
+a small SD card loader to support boot from SD card. This small SD card loader
+will be flashed into the SPI NOR. The board will still boot from SPI NOR, but
+the loader will in turn request the BootROM to load the U-Boot from SD card.
+At the moment of writing, please check with Freescale on the availablity of
+this small SD loader binary.
+To update the SPI-NOR on the SabreLite board without the Freescale
+manufacturing tool use the following procedure:
+1. Write this SD card loader onto a large SD card using:
+ sudo dd if=MX6_SPI_to_SD_loader.bin of=/dev/sXx
+Note: Replace sXx with the device representing the SD card in your system.
+Note: This writes SD card loader at address 0
+2. Put this SD card into the slot for the large SD card (SD3 on the bottom of
+the board)
+3. Power-up the SabreLite, press 'space' to enter command mode in the U-Boot
+(the default one the board is shipped with, starting from the SPI NOR) and
+enter the following commands:
+ MX6Q SABRELITE U-Boot > mmc dev 0
+ MX6Q SABRELITE U-Boot > mmc read 0x10800000 0 200
+ MX6Q SABRELITE U-Boot > sf probe 1
+ MX6Q SABRELITE U-Boot > sf erase 0 0x40000
+ MX6Q SABRELITE U-Boot > sf write 0x10800000 0 0x40000
+4. done.
+In case you somehow do not succeed with this procedure you will have to use
+the Freescale manufacturing tool in order to reflash the SPI-NOR.
+Note: The board now boots from full size SD3 on the bottom of the board. NOT
+ the micro SD4/BOOT slot on the top of the board. I.e. you have to use
+ full size SD cards.
+This information is taken from
Where can I find the "SPI_to_SD_loader.bin" image?
Unfortunately, at the moment you have to ask your Freescale contact for
this. We ping Freescale since weeks for this. Last time I heard about
this Freescale planned to release this binary under a BSD license. They
are still "working through the licensing details", though :(
What means early
version of SabreLite boards?
Most probably Eric will be able to better answer this.
What I understood: Up to now, the boards boot from SPI NOR by default.
There was some _discussion_ to change this to SD boot. Most probably
"early version" was written while this discussion under the impression
that later boards might switch to SD boot. To my understanding the
result of this discussion was that this change would be difficult, though.
How can I select boot from SD-Card on
newer versions?
To my understanding there are no "newer versions" yet.
And will the u-boot.imx image also boot when loaded
to the SPI-NOR fash?
Hmm, I'm not sure about this as I haven't tested this.
Please note that Eric is in the process of mainlining the SPI driver for
i.MX6, atm.
Best regards
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