On Friday 13 January 2012 16:35:35 Simon Glass wrote:
> --- a/include/configs/tegra2-common.h
> +++ b/include/configs/tegra2-common.h
>  /*
> + * QUOTE(m) will evaluate to a string version of the value of the macro m
> + * passed in.  The extra level of indirection here is to first evaluate
> + * the macro m before applying the quoting operator.
> + */
> +#define QUOTE_(m)       #m
> +#define QUOTE(m)        QUOTE_(m)

we uses to have MK_STR/XMK_STR in common code, but that seems to have gone by 
the wayside.  but arches/boards still have it, so might as well use that 
naming convention.

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